In light of yet another senseless act of domestic terrorism (at the hands of a gun obsessed American citizen), sadly, discussing the worst mass shooting in U.S. history is becoming an annual event. If only we acted to eradicate these "angelic weapons" after the massacre on August 1, 1966, let alone what took place on September 10, 2017. Let me refresh your memories...
Charles Whitman was a devout Christian, attended church regularly and was even an alter boy. One day he decided to stand atop the University of Texas and snipe away at students. Back then, there was no social media to whip people into a frenzy, so Americans simply shrugged their shoulders and mutters: land of the free beneath their breath and moved on. Now we get aroused over slaughter, like it's some kind of sport and do absolutely nothing about it. As for the taxpayer-funded politicians (many of them government-hating Republicans, though that doesn't stop them for working in government - pure comedy) that represent us, they sit back and sip expensive wine in their lavish offices, whilst telling their staffers: see, Americans are sheep, they have their guns and we need not do anything.
Did I tell you the story about Spencer Hight? An introverted man (with no criminal background) that gunned down 8 party-goers in America's safest city (Dallas suburb of Plano). Well, it's a true story, it happened 25 days ago. Surprise, surprise not one word from the President or Texas Governor - why? The culprit wasn't an undocumented Black Muslim, just a regular pasty white citizen.
Anyone that knows me personally, understands how much I despise killing machines. I'm referring to those pristine objects, that has given the U.S. the dubious honor of being a gold medalist (among advanced nations) in gun-related homicides per capita. (In case you're wondering, they also lead in other murder categories, but guns are by far the biggest evil). I get it, Americans don't want to let any other country replace them at top of the murder pole.
On 1/15/16 I vented about 'Lethal weapon lunacy' urging Obama to take the NRA (America's leading instigator of terror) to the cleaners. Well, I'm not holding my breath for the 45th President (himself a deranged sociopath) to act, after all, he made it easier for the mentally ill to acquire guns. Illiterate Donnie goes on tweeter tirades over terror attacks in other countries, but can't use those same words to spell-out 'domestic terrorism' in his own backyard. The kind that equates to some 30,000 victims a year, way more than any foreigner without a passport causes on U.S. soil.
I don't care that racist men with fake wigs told us we can create our own militia to protect ourselves. No place was it written you need military grade weapons with one sole purpose: to annihilate fellow human beings. I will gladly disassociate myself from any family or friends who support the second amendment. I've stared down rednecks holding machine guns, so I'll never take a step back, not even at a gun show, I'll gladly attend one just to set the record straight!
Presidents are great at taking the country to war and huffing and puffing over outside impostors, whether it be illegals or radical Islam, but forget that old chestnut: the greatest enemy always come from withing. There's a list as long as the Mississippi of american citizens causing havoc. ,any of them are fair-skinned Caucasian citizens, shocking I know, only brown folk with strange names are meant to commit atrocities. There's only one solution: build a massive wall and protect our borders with lethal force, that'll keep out unhinged gun-toting citizens. In all seriousness, things will only change when taxpayer funded representatives lose their loves ones to a hail of bullets. That will rarely happen due to taxpayers footing their security bills.
There's only one more certainty than gun nutters ramming down their medieval opinions down our throats, that there will always be another mass shooting that tops whichever one we're meant to do something about. We have no qualms following regulations for fire codes, car safety (why do "freedom lovers" in this country even allow police to pull them over for DUI or for not wearing seat belts, talk about encroaching on personal space), but dare halting the sale of AR-15's and you're Un-American. Karma might just bite all those who support the Second Amendment, when it does, go ahead and eulogize why losing your parent, sibling, child at the hands of a homegrown terrorist was a beautiful way to die.
Charles Whitman was a devout Christian, attended church regularly and was even an alter boy. One day he decided to stand atop the University of Texas and snipe away at students. Back then, there was no social media to whip people into a frenzy, so Americans simply shrugged their shoulders and mutters: land of the free beneath their breath and moved on. Now we get aroused over slaughter, like it's some kind of sport and do absolutely nothing about it. As for the taxpayer-funded politicians (many of them government-hating Republicans, though that doesn't stop them for working in government - pure comedy) that represent us, they sit back and sip expensive wine in their lavish offices, whilst telling their staffers: see, Americans are sheep, they have their guns and we need not do anything.
Did I tell you the story about Spencer Hight? An introverted man (with no criminal background) that gunned down 8 party-goers in America's safest city (Dallas suburb of Plano). Well, it's a true story, it happened 25 days ago. Surprise, surprise not one word from the President or Texas Governor - why? The culprit wasn't an undocumented Black Muslim, just a regular pasty white citizen.
Anyone that knows me personally, understands how much I despise killing machines. I'm referring to those pristine objects, that has given the U.S. the dubious honor of being a gold medalist (among advanced nations) in gun-related homicides per capita. (In case you're wondering, they also lead in other murder categories, but guns are by far the biggest evil). I get it, Americans don't want to let any other country replace them at top of the murder pole.
On 1/15/16 I vented about 'Lethal weapon lunacy' urging Obama to take the NRA (America's leading instigator of terror) to the cleaners. Well, I'm not holding my breath for the 45th President (himself a deranged sociopath) to act, after all, he made it easier for the mentally ill to acquire guns. Illiterate Donnie goes on tweeter tirades over terror attacks in other countries, but can't use those same words to spell-out 'domestic terrorism' in his own backyard. The kind that equates to some 30,000 victims a year, way more than any foreigner without a passport causes on U.S. soil.
I don't care that racist men with fake wigs told us we can create our own militia to protect ourselves. No place was it written you need military grade weapons with one sole purpose: to annihilate fellow human beings. I will gladly disassociate myself from any family or friends who support the second amendment. I've stared down rednecks holding machine guns, so I'll never take a step back, not even at a gun show, I'll gladly attend one just to set the record straight!
Presidents are great at taking the country to war and huffing and puffing over outside impostors, whether it be illegals or radical Islam, but forget that old chestnut: the greatest enemy always come from withing. There's a list as long as the Mississippi of american citizens causing havoc. ,any of them are fair-skinned Caucasian citizens, shocking I know, only brown folk with strange names are meant to commit atrocities. There's only one solution: build a massive wall and protect our borders with lethal force, that'll keep out unhinged gun-toting citizens. In all seriousness, things will only change when taxpayer funded representatives lose their loves ones to a hail of bullets. That will rarely happen due to taxpayers footing their security bills.
There's only one more certainty than gun nutters ramming down their medieval opinions down our throats, that there will always be another mass shooting that tops whichever one we're meant to do something about. We have no qualms following regulations for fire codes, car safety (why do "freedom lovers" in this country even allow police to pull them over for DUI or for not wearing seat belts, talk about encroaching on personal space), but dare halting the sale of AR-15's and you're Un-American. Karma might just bite all those who support the Second Amendment, when it does, go ahead and eulogize why losing your parent, sibling, child at the hands of a homegrown terrorist was a beautiful way to die.