Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


October 15, 2017

Austria's new Chancellor is a bona fide Millennial

In Sunday's parliamentary election, The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) led by Sebastian Kurz won the mandate to form a coalition. It had a strong showing (considering 5 main parties contested) by attaining the most seats, 62 (out of a possible 183), gain of 15 from the 2013 election. The voting share was 31.5%, an increase of 7.5%. Two things stick out from this result: one a positive, the other a potential negative.

On the positive side, the youth movement of Europe is once again putting the rest of the democratic world to shame. If you thought Emmanuel Macron of France (DOB. 12/21/77) and Leo Varadkar (DOB. 1/18/79) of Ireland were Millennials of the political world, think again, Kurz is an actual Millennial, celebrated his 31st birthday on August 27. To put things into context, Lindsay Lohan turned 31 in July (threw this example in to show-off my B-grade celebrity credentials) and Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released on June 11, 1986.

Conversely on the negative side, The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) consolidated its power (added 11 seats to 51 and increased its national vote by 5.5% since 2013), now its nipping at the buds of being one of the two-major parties. Those not familiar with FPÖ, let's just say they would make Republicans in the U.S. salivate. I can just see rednecks taking an interest in them, even though they have no idea how the world works.

In a surprise move, even the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) are willing to entertain the possibility of an FPÖ alliance, such is the bizarre times we live in. Incidentally, SPÖ mirrored their performance from 2013 - 52 seats and 26.9% of national vote.

ÖVP is a conservative party, more so economically than socially like is common in Western Europe. In order top form a majority Kurz is most likely to do a deal with devil, FPÖ. He got on the anti-immigration bandwagon to ensure he gets backing from a xenophobic party. Even though Austria isn't a superpower of Europe its connections to Germany will make this deal big news that will bring back memories of a dark past. 'Heil Hitler!' is still a common phrase heard around FPÖ gatherings.

Note: Before any bigots rant, well how come we're so hard on racists in America when they are breeding politically in Europe, the simple answer is: U.S. big notes itself on a global stage as a beacon of inclusiveness and liberty, (and that little detail of immigration being its backbone). Calm down redneck America, you do realize Native Americans were the first people of you nation, each and everyone one of you are immigrants. Now, now, don't fire your assault weapons at me.

The irony in all this, nations who denounce illiberal countries such as Russia are actually using Putinesqe tactics to win elections. Let's wheel out the xenophobic card anytime we want to whip the electorate into a frenzy, then in the same breath denounce Putin's Russia. You either own being a liberal open nation or you start tearing away its fabric and ended up as an insular ethno-nationalist.

Austria has a smaller population than New Jersey, but what happened there today will have ramifications throughout the Western World. By all means, let's celebrate the youngest leader of a civilized democracy, but don't forget how he achieved it, by pandering to racism (disguised as jingoism).

From this day forth, I shall refer to Kurz as Führer Donnie's Millennial love child. Or to paraphrase the Czech Foreign Minister, Austria is going through 'Orbanization' (referring to Hungary's illiberal leader). Godspeed Republik Österreich, whenever I feel down about your pristine nation, I will remember the good times I had in Salzburg and Vienna.