Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


October 1, 2017

So long as Presidents keep defaming the nation, we the people will dissent!

Every free people shall be able to denounce any patriotic symbol of their choosing. If we're waiting for athletes to be the ones to stand up for liberty, than we're going nowhere fast! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what evil has been dished out by taxpayer-funded officials in the name of a song and a piece of cloth.

In America's case, it's simple. Just looking back from 1981, Presidents of this country have used and abused the jingoism of American ideals to basically rape and pillage  - I'm being nice when I use these terms. Don't even get me started about when President evoke God. No so-called almighty being is for guns, greed or war. It so happens that leaders think they can waste taxpayers' money on military hardware and refuse services to the underprivileged, that's what Jesus would want - let me just roll my eyes for a moment.

Reagan (phony passive aggressive simpleton): backed the Contras and the Mujahideen - so very democratic and liberal of him. Oh, and that little thing where he told the Mississippi Governor to keep-on segregating.

G. H. Bush (robotic war criminal): Gulf War, his way of saying that oil trumps human life. Having served as VP to Reagan taught him all about the Military Industrial Complex and all the "compassion" that came with it. Oh, and don't forget his backing of Panamanian terror groups.

Clinton (the original sleaze): Let's bomb Belgrade, cause we're Americans baby! Sat back and played the saxophone while Rwanda self-com-busted. Cozying up to Hollywood donors is of greater importance.

G. W. Bush (hillbilly war criminal): the family man with Christian values, which led him to create two fake wars. End result: gave him what he richly craved, massacre of innocents (500,000 Iraqi's just to name a few), heck, even throw in 4000 dead U.S. soldiers into the mix. The Bush family are big fans of Saudi royalty (something sexy about those head-choppers apparently), no wonder they had a hard time smoking out Saudi citizen Bin Laden. He's also a closeted racist (bless his heart). Instead of playing race games, he chose a subtle way of showing it, three words: Hurricane Katrina response.

Obama (way too conservative to be considered progressive): I'm so open-minded that I visited Saudi Arabia 4 times. Shout-out to former Presidents: thanks for inspiring me to kiss the hand of the Wahhabi King

Führer 45 (sociopath bigoted maniac of the highest quality): When not grabbing them by the pussy whilst singing the anthem, he's hell-bent on hating on the disabled and inciting race riots. Also, a true patriot that sacrificed con artistry and sleaziness to fight for the flag - not! From sleeping around with half of NY socialites to savaging minorities, no wonder Evangelicals love this true moral champion - cough, cough...

Whether you want to turn your back, raise a fist, squat, kneel or boo, it's your right in any democracy. Now, if you're more of a DPRK fan, then Pyongyang is awaiting your arrival. There, the Supreme Leader will not allow any dissent against the anthem/flag, it's called a despotic dictatorship.