Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


November 8, 2016

Decision 2016, the rise of fanaticism

Did the nation just decapitate Lady Liberty's head? Maybe I'll wake up and realize that this was all a hoax. For those of you with firearms, please note: take out your frustration in words not bullets. 

Thank you Dallas county for keeping it real (61% for Clinton), and for the many state ballot measures that passed. Positives: Colorado raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour; California's gun control proposition 63/tobacco tax increase. Negatives: California failed to repeal the death penalty and Colorado voted against universal healthcare. Okay marijuana mafia, you guys had a big night, adding California, Massachusetts and Nevada to the legalization list. Oregon also made history, by being the very first LGBTQ governor in U.S. history.

As for the Presidency, people chose (not a majority mind you) to be led by a tyrant that despises the disabled, treats woman as objects, wears bankruptcies like a badge of honor and partakes in race games. That's all well and good if you are from 1861, but that is not my America!

The GOP can now officially quit harping on about being Lincoln's party, they had the audacity to allow a womanizing racist to represent the party that shoves Christianity down our throats - Jesus would never be a Republican, not now, not ever! I get it, you couldn't resist Führer Trump, the man famous for avoiding the AIDS epidemic in NY while his fellow Americans fought in Vietnam. 

To top it off global markets plunge, oh the irony, the finance industry doesn't even trust the party that worships money. At least with the nuclear codes, we finally get to see a Septuagenarian (with the mental capacity of a third grader) reap havoc in countries he can't even pronounce.

One positive, at least this spells the end of political dynasties. Clinton was conservative in many areas and reminded folk of old school Republicans, hopefully this ushers a new party with the vigor shown by Sanders and Warren. 

Much will be said in the coming days and weeks, but once a nation celebrates Russian style mob rule there's no turning back. Peace out America, its been fun knowing you...