Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


October 26, 2016

Happy Birthday, Madam President-Elect

Preface: I will put my money where my mouth is and own the prognostication that I made on 7/22/16 (a time when many pundits actually thought a bully would prevail). Let's put Americans out of their misery, fast-forward to the electoral college being awarded to Hillary Rodham Clinton on 11/8/16.

Madam President, now that you are officially No. 45, it's time to rehabilitate America's image after 16 months of greasy campaigning. Here a six areas of policy to tackle, before those primitive Republicans (who couldn't handle a worldly dignified family man, due to his genetic makeup) start getting all sexist on you.

1) Refugees/Undocumented

Compared to Canada our refugee intake from Syria is downright appalling! If our Northern neighbor can take in 25,000 without a blinking, then at a minimum we must take in 250,000 immediately. If the naysayers start having panic attacks just quietly remind them that the worst atrocities created domestically are by homegrown folk that happen to have fair skin.. Even back in the day terrible things happened, does that horrific sniper attack at the University of Austin by Charles Whitman (a devout Catholic blond assassin) ring a bell...Full amnesty must be given to the undocumented, the facts prove they are no more likely to be a burden than citizens. The irony is not lost that they have contributed more to the American experiment than those who despise them. Personally, I'd like to use a magic wand to make white nationalists disappear and have them replaced by those willing to sacrifice for the American dream.

2) Healthcare

Once again, look to the Great White North. Canadians on average live 3 years longer than Americans due to something called healthcare being a right not privilege (refer to my piece from 2/17/16). It's well documented that this saves more money, the fact Americans spend more taxpayers money on healthcare largely to appease Insurance companies in playing their discriminatory games with people's lives proves why a streamlined universal system must be set up. Thank you Colorado for openly discussing this as a measure, maybe this will be the catalyst for the White house.

3) Student Loans/Economy

Many states waste taxpayers money to build football stadiums (I know all about it as a Texas resident), brings tears to my eyes knowing many Republicans are for this, yet cry over government spending. How about the federal government step up and actually respect the intellect of those who have put in the hard work to graduate and forgive their loans. If we have to cut funding for football programs at Colleges than so be it. It's a well-known American right to call athletes who have received phony scholarships to perform heart surgery on you - cough, cough...For their not be a federally mandated minimum wage is shameful for the world's richest country. It should be $15 per hour, those who disagree can start marketing the U.S. as a third world country.

4) Military

Please be honest us with us. George W. Bush was an expert at raising taxes to bloat the world's largest military, yet had the audacity to promote himself as being fiscally conservative. I know how much the Clinton name is admired by Republican military hawks, with that comes a Neocon mentality. If there is insurgence into Syria then you better also help Chadians and Congolese, and for that matter out Israel for their war crimes. If you want to show off America's ego via war games, then put it to good use, not just another experiment in trillions being washed away to destroy senseless lives.

5) Guns

Kudos for wearing an F-grade from the NRA as a badge of honor. Now it's time to take on America's number one domestic terrorism outfit head-on. Planet Fitness has more members than this archaic group catering for insecure Americans hiding behind killing machines, If they don't work with you to close gun show loopholes and increasing restrictions on firearm purchases then do what a real President foes, stand up for the innocence over barbarism.

6) Supreme Court

Nominate a Justice that is not some kind of religious leader wanting to dictate their hypocritical social norms. Embarrassing that people still want to control a woman's personal choices in 2016 or still get their knickers in a twist over marriage equality. This is a forward-looking secular nation, and as such the constitution must be interpreted to meet the needs of modernity not regression.

Mrs Clinton, If you are able to be a mix of FDR and Eisenhower than even your detractors might begrudgingly give you a thumbs up. Talking Dwight, here is one of his famous quotes: "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history."

Please GOP legislators, stick this quote in your head when dealing with Madam President. The two major parties working together for the vulnerable is what being a beacon of humanity is all about. If for nothing else, it's time to show the world that America is a true superpower, one that is not afraid to flaunt its compassion.

To the fascist freak show that will no doubt keep whingeing and whining post-election, please visit the NY headquarters of that "fair and balanced" news network (yes, they are located in that avant-garde paradise). If that doesn't calm your nerves, go find your conspiracy websites and bask in the glory of sharing false truths on social media. Friendly reminder: Facebook is as progressive as they come, not to mention Apple and Starbucks. Fear not, Uncle Putin will accept all of you bigoted Yanks. Why live in a liberal democracy run by a woman, when you can move to a nation that openly encourages racism and homophobia.

Who knows, in 4 years there might be envy towards Americans from Canadians. So much so, that they might want to move south to celebrate our empathetic treatment of refugees and the defenseless in society.