"A disaster for a democracy." Exact words tweeted by 'Not My President-Elect' (in reference to the electoral college) after the 2012 election. it's safe to say, I have found common ground (for the first and no doubt last time) with America's Mussolini Doppelganger. To the majority who voted against tyranny, we can take some solace from knowing that two of America's most incompetent (Nixon, you're not forgotten) modern-day Presidents (arguably of all time) did not win the popular vote.
It's high time for a proper revolution! If millions can come out to celebrate sporting championships, then we need a tide of humanity marching on 1600 Pennsylvania demanding an end to bigotry and sleaze. Don't wait for the 'Nine Wives Club' to get in power before it's too late. Gingrich, Giuliani and Trump will bring their sleazy private lives into the highest office, just as bad, they all suffer from conspiracy theory syndrome. Let's not rest until the narcissist and the chauvinist party he represents are placed into the dustbin of history. Heaven forbid, the likes of Donald Jnr and Sarah Palin are handed positions of influence, that will just confirm the death of American exceptionalism.
The GOP (which now stands for: Greed, Oppression, Prejudice) will no doubt try to use its majorities in the House and Senate to help take America back to 1861! For the last 500 days Führer Trump has basked in the glory of spitting on everyone from the disabled to minorities, for that he overwhelmingly won over the xenophobic class and White Christians (Evangelicals being the biggest backer, they sure love their adulterous bigots). Gandhi was right all along about Americans: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
However, in the grand scheme of things race-baiting failed to win the most votes. No matter what the Führer tries to spin with his third grade aptitude, he should always be reminded of this fact. To all those thinking he will be impeached, think again, even if he does, do you really want Mike Pence as President? Here is a man who is obsessed with controlling a woman's body parts and one that believes creationism to be the be-all and end-all. We don't need medieval thinkers being anywhere near the Oval Office, if we wanted that, we'd poach our next leader from Putin's Russia - oops, I think we just did!
May we look back on this dark chapter, and remember that we the people didn't sit idly by whilst a fascist freak show stole our democracy, but a time we rose up and fought for it. The world likes to copy American trends due to its ingenuity, something tells me no country wanting to prosper will want to emulate the America of November 8, 2016.
I will leave you with a quote from the subhuman who will control the nuclear codes, one that you should remember every time you wake up in the morning: "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists. . . And some, I assume, are good people.” Donald J. Trump, 6/16/2015.
Note to white nationalists (including neo-nazi sympathizer, Steve Bannon who will counsel the President): there has always been an abundance of Caucasian criminals, but I guess being natural-born allows them to wreak havoc on society. Immigrant bashing is now fashionable in the land that was settled and built by immigrants. To think the ancestors of these people are now celebrating having a racist-in-chief.
It's high time for a proper revolution! If millions can come out to celebrate sporting championships, then we need a tide of humanity marching on 1600 Pennsylvania demanding an end to bigotry and sleaze. Don't wait for the 'Nine Wives Club' to get in power before it's too late. Gingrich, Giuliani and Trump will bring their sleazy private lives into the highest office, just as bad, they all suffer from conspiracy theory syndrome. Let's not rest until the narcissist and the chauvinist party he represents are placed into the dustbin of history. Heaven forbid, the likes of Donald Jnr and Sarah Palin are handed positions of influence, that will just confirm the death of American exceptionalism.
The GOP (which now stands for: Greed, Oppression, Prejudice) will no doubt try to use its majorities in the House and Senate to help take America back to 1861! For the last 500 days Führer Trump has basked in the glory of spitting on everyone from the disabled to minorities, for that he overwhelmingly won over the xenophobic class and White Christians (Evangelicals being the biggest backer, they sure love their adulterous bigots). Gandhi was right all along about Americans: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
However, in the grand scheme of things race-baiting failed to win the most votes. No matter what the Führer tries to spin with his third grade aptitude, he should always be reminded of this fact. To all those thinking he will be impeached, think again, even if he does, do you really want Mike Pence as President? Here is a man who is obsessed with controlling a woman's body parts and one that believes creationism to be the be-all and end-all. We don't need medieval thinkers being anywhere near the Oval Office, if we wanted that, we'd poach our next leader from Putin's Russia - oops, I think we just did!
May we look back on this dark chapter, and remember that we the people didn't sit idly by whilst a fascist freak show stole our democracy, but a time we rose up and fought for it. The world likes to copy American trends due to its ingenuity, something tells me no country wanting to prosper will want to emulate the America of November 8, 2016.
I will leave you with a quote from the subhuman who will control the nuclear codes, one that you should remember every time you wake up in the morning: "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists. . . And some, I assume, are good people.” Donald J. Trump, 6/16/2015.
Note to white nationalists (including neo-nazi sympathizer, Steve Bannon who will counsel the President): there has always been an abundance of Caucasian criminals, but I guess being natural-born allows them to wreak havoc on society. Immigrant bashing is now fashionable in the land that was settled and built by immigrants. To think the ancestors of these people are now celebrating having a racist-in-chief.