Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): Happy #4thOfJuly to states that practice liberty. #USA ranks 15th in freedom, and will keep falling if the fruitcakes (AL, AR, ID, KY, LA, MS, MO, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY) with trigger laws use tax dollars (even though they worship small government) to promote their inner Taliban.


July 17, 2021

Hey, anti-vaxxers, MCMXXIV is calling!

Yours truly is officially double-vaxxed. In other words, GE can roam freely around the world causing havoc on ignorance, watch out conspiracy theorists, your time is up! (Shout-out to Dr Sahin and Dr Tureci from BioNTech, there would be no Pfizer vaccine without their genius). 

If you're an anti-vaxxer, please exit stage left, enter the time machine provided and take yourself back to 1924 (just before the discovery of the tetanus vaccine) and stay put. Warning: by doing this, you won't have to endure all the other vaccines invented after 1924: chickenpox, diphtheria, measles, meningococcal, mumps, pneumococcal, polio, rubella to name a few. Added bonus, you also get to live a life without penicillin.

Fatalities from a pesky virus are rare in my current neck of the woods (metropolis of 5 million inhabitants), yet we're told we can only travel within a 10km (6.2 mi) radius. Thankfully, I'm stuck in the ideal place for doomsday!

Now that the jabs have taken their full affect, it's time to let the hair flow on a classic two-wheel ad-libbing detour.