Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): Happy #4thOfJuly to states that practice liberty. #USA ranks 15th in freedom, and will keep falling if the fruitcakes (AL, AR, ID, KY, LA, MS, MO, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY) with trigger laws use tax dollars (even though they worship small government) to promote their inner Taliban.


August 31, 2019

Rising above ignorance one blog (vlog) at a time

Message to my readers from far and wide on the pristine shores of White Rock Lake, on this the fourth anniversary of the inception of Global Editorial.

Best way to start your day (besides a sneak peek at GE) is by taking in the scenery from one of the great museums of the world. Named after Ross Perot, a true Dallas pioneer, founding father of Silicon Prairie and former Presidential candidate.