Always good to have 10-days off, before I fire up and tell it how it is! These are personal New Year's resolutions that I recommend for anyone who is a free-thinker. (If the American bias irks you, just replace it with terms relating to you. For instance, if you live in France simply boycott Marine Le Pen; Australia, denounce the savagery of imprisoning refugees (how ironic, coming from a nation built by convicts).
Disassociate with anyone who supports a border wall, repealing Obamacare (call me a bleeding heart, but health comes before 2000 House staffers making 6-figure salaries), Bigotry (if you want bathroom segregation, could you please move to Saudi Arabia), false truths (perpetrated by the racist-elect and his Russian cronies), cults (including mainstream religions that talk about compassion yet support demagogue's).
Please open your doors to at least one illegal alien (and don't go using them for cheap labor, actually treat them as you want to be treated). This should be a given for anyone with a beating heart - America is all about the ideals of Ellis Island. The very definition of Un-American: when a filthy con artist hosts gold-plated parties in South Florida for shady characters (including ones with mob ties), all the while gloating about cutting healthcare to the poor. If you think that's bad, the party he represents stands by it - accomplices in the slaughter of Lincoln and Jefferson's legacy.
Resolutions for the world...Peace to all the forgotten people. I do have a vested interest in the plight of Aleppo (having lineage to this ancient city). This won't please some, but I actually care about all Syrians no matter their faith. The world is getting 'too cute' with the way it markets tragedy. Christian kiddies gets precedence over Muslim ones, how 'bout we get cranky over any loss of innocence. No child deserves to die (even those who have foreign names/features), period!
All destitute's must be looked after. Yes, even those in Chad! Poor Chadians, I wrote about you guys last year (refer to March 11th posting: We are all Chadians) and it didn't go viral, maybe its cause I don't have the same clout as reality TV buffoons. It's an absolute travesty that your life expectancy is 50, I'll do my utmost to ensure everyone knows about it!
While we're at it, what's this stupid policy of Western countries only accepting refugees that meet our ideals. If we're going to scare ourselves over foreign invaders, maybe we can start by stopping homegrown terror, oops, we never do. Just before Christmas, a white blonde man slaughtered his wife and baby in Fort Worth. I heard not a peep from President-elect, about registering Caucasian men in a database (in the event they turn into baby killers).
2017 is already off to a flyer re: horrific incidents. In the early hours Istanbul was attacked, as per usual it was largely ignored due to very few casualties from "proper"countries. Soon after, the Fort Lauderdale attack gained more publicity, as the victims were more "western". Refer to above, stop playing off humans, a life is a life! I'll say it in a way that is easier to understand: whether you're from NY or Kigali you share 99.9% of DNA, and as such you should be treated equally.
It's simple, 2017 has to be the year when compassion trumps (I had to go there) tangerine psychosis. This deadly disease is infiltrating society on a global scale. Its figurehead is a sleaze ball with a tangerine coating, however his adherents are even worse, they actually believe jingoism and xenophobia are worth celebrating. We've seen it all before, just ask the Jewish, Irish, Vietnamese...People fear difference, then they can't live without that diversity (refer to refugees who went on to save lives and provided an array of tasty food). The big difference is that we are now in the 21st century, where you'd think humans have a semblance of empathy after all their past misdeeds.
So there it is, let's make 2017 the year of destroying prejudice by taking action. I know this is much to ask from the social media generation, but actual protesting does work. If I can holler at Confederate types holding machine guns, than you to can lose your voice in the face of tyranny.
Disassociate with anyone who supports a border wall, repealing Obamacare (call me a bleeding heart, but health comes before 2000 House staffers making 6-figure salaries), Bigotry (if you want bathroom segregation, could you please move to Saudi Arabia), false truths (perpetrated by the racist-elect and his Russian cronies), cults (including mainstream religions that talk about compassion yet support demagogue's).
Please open your doors to at least one illegal alien (and don't go using them for cheap labor, actually treat them as you want to be treated). This should be a given for anyone with a beating heart - America is all about the ideals of Ellis Island. The very definition of Un-American: when a filthy con artist hosts gold-plated parties in South Florida for shady characters (including ones with mob ties), all the while gloating about cutting healthcare to the poor. If you think that's bad, the party he represents stands by it - accomplices in the slaughter of Lincoln and Jefferson's legacy.
Resolutions for the world...Peace to all the forgotten people. I do have a vested interest in the plight of Aleppo (having lineage to this ancient city). This won't please some, but I actually care about all Syrians no matter their faith. The world is getting 'too cute' with the way it markets tragedy. Christian kiddies gets precedence over Muslim ones, how 'bout we get cranky over any loss of innocence. No child deserves to die (even those who have foreign names/features), period!
All destitute's must be looked after. Yes, even those in Chad! Poor Chadians, I wrote about you guys last year (refer to March 11th posting: We are all Chadians) and it didn't go viral, maybe its cause I don't have the same clout as reality TV buffoons. It's an absolute travesty that your life expectancy is 50, I'll do my utmost to ensure everyone knows about it!
While we're at it, what's this stupid policy of Western countries only accepting refugees that meet our ideals. If we're going to scare ourselves over foreign invaders, maybe we can start by stopping homegrown terror, oops, we never do. Just before Christmas, a white blonde man slaughtered his wife and baby in Fort Worth. I heard not a peep from President-elect, about registering Caucasian men in a database (in the event they turn into baby killers).
2017 is already off to a flyer re: horrific incidents. In the early hours Istanbul was attacked, as per usual it was largely ignored due to very few casualties from "proper"countries. Soon after, the Fort Lauderdale attack gained more publicity, as the victims were more "western". Refer to above, stop playing off humans, a life is a life! I'll say it in a way that is easier to understand: whether you're from NY or Kigali you share 99.9% of DNA, and as such you should be treated equally.
It's simple, 2017 has to be the year when compassion trumps (I had to go there) tangerine psychosis. This deadly disease is infiltrating society on a global scale. Its figurehead is a sleaze ball with a tangerine coating, however his adherents are even worse, they actually believe jingoism and xenophobia are worth celebrating. We've seen it all before, just ask the Jewish, Irish, Vietnamese...People fear difference, then they can't live without that diversity (refer to refugees who went on to save lives and provided an array of tasty food). The big difference is that we are now in the 21st century, where you'd think humans have a semblance of empathy after all their past misdeeds.
So there it is, let's make 2017 the year of destroying prejudice by taking action. I know this is much to ask from the social media generation, but actual protesting does work. If I can holler at Confederate types holding machine guns, than you to can lose your voice in the face of tyranny.