As the world gets all hot and bothered with a nation that's going back to the future (a movie that has actually dated well, I digress...) for all the wrong reasons. How quick we forget with the 2014 invasion of The Ukraine. The number one move made by despots is war, anything to suppress the toppling of a regime. Vlad is known to point out the evil in other nations whenever they have a go at him. Not that he has to do much, conspiracy theory publications (advertised as authentic media), like Pravda and RT News will do his bidding. Even American fruitcakes with a mouthpiece (some who are even paid 9-figures by Swedish companies to spew their filth, it's time to go: Spotify) are Vlad fanboys.
The skeptic in me says this is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin way of getting the baby boom going, nothing like taking pride in Mother Russia. As much as Vlad has controlled all facets of Russia since 1999, there's one place where he has failed, creating a population boom. As it stands, the current fertility rate is 1.50 (trailing their arch nemesis the US at 1.70). Maybe this is why he keeps making land grabs, even though he leads the world's largest nation, home to 11 time zones (shout out to all the time geeks out there).
Now on to the one man that has done his utmost to make Vlad look good, Viktor Mihály Orbán (VMO). Time flies, yours truly was live and exclusive at the world's most beautiful building in the world 4 years ago. I managed to survive making a vlog on a snowy day without VMO"s thugs in black turtlenecks taking me away in a van.
Hungary might just get back to what it does best in a little over 5 weeks, a vibrant central European nation that is home to the most beautiful city in the world, Budapest (apologies to Paris, you're overrated). Now if illiberal VMO and his Fidesz–KDNP (currently 133 seats in parliament) cronies take the majority once again it might never be the cosmopolitan heartbeat of Central Europe. If you're a free thinking earthling than you better hope, Péter "MZP" Márki-Zay (representing United for Hungary) is the next PM. He has included in his platform is a new constitution, restoring the rule of law, introducing same-sex marriage. He's not perfect, has a neo-liberal infatuation (doesn't support rise in minimum wage, wants corporate tax rate to remain a measly 9%), but Hungary has to rid itself of the VMO's suppression of free speech and cruelty towards minorities. AS they say in the classics: take the win, even if the alternative has fruit loop tendencies.
Let's hope on April 3 the number one movie at the global box office is: Back to the Future: Hungary resets, it's 2009 all over again! Only a week later it's the French presidential election, which will most probably see the try hard insurance salesman born in 1977 getting reelected. So much for French culture being artistic.