I warned the globe that Joey (his full name won't be uttered on this blog, until such time he drops his prejudice to those suffering) was no better than his predecessor. The expulsion of Haitian migrants is a dark chapter for the world. How dare a sitting US president (one that campaigned on being a fairer and kinder commander-in-chief), turn his back on the less fortunate. For a minute there, I thought Lady Liberty was once again a symbol of what America stands for, now we know that this statue has no place on American soil - France, can you please take it back! American programming has been suspended, will return once it realises what it does best: empathy.
Now more than ever the US needs new political parties. The GOP and Democrats are in cahoots, bashing immigrants`like there's no tomorrow. In 2024, I urge a candidate out there to run for what made America the greatest nation on earth, accepting all, even the tired and poor. I have relatives in the US right now that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the kindness Americans showed them when they appeared at Ellis Island with no paperwork. Look at Canada, they took in 44,000 Syrian refugees, more per head of population than most of the world, including the US. Afghan, Haitian, Syrian, it doesn't matter, the land of the free must live up to its hype. You can't start using stupid excuses, my favourite line coming out of bigots on social media: countries like Japan aren't immigrant friendly, why should we be? I'll tell you why, you're the goddamn United States of America. You were created by immigrants, you're the original melting pot society. Don't take cues from nations that don't have your enlightenment for the world's impoverished.
Joey needs to forget about being reelected, this is a come-to-Jesus moment. A real Christian will not discriminate when it comes to accepting all. Tell those zealots in the GOP that real Christians take in the masses. There's nothing like religious talk to get Americans fired up, so use your Catholic roots to tell faux Christians that despise you to stand up for what Jesus would do. While you're at it, get your allies on board. Countries like Australia will do anything you say, refer to the recent submarine deal. Instead of doing military deals, how about you tell your friend to take in their share of Afghans and Haitians. Right now, Australia is an empty isolated nation turning its back on what made it the lucky country: immigration. A country this big with only 25 million inhabitants should be flooded with every earthling seeking amnesty.
The world needs an open door policy, we all know borders are racist. That tired old argument 'those people will bring in their evil ways' is just that, redundant. Who exactly are "those'' people? they're your fellow earthlings, so treat them as such. Don't get me started on all the bad that was there before Haitian migrants tried crossing, does Ted Bundy ring a bell? He wasn't an undocumented alien, rest my case! Global Editorial will continue to champion a border less world, you know it makes sense! Unless of course, you believe being born in a certain country (that you had no control over, sorry to break it to you, your birthplace is not your choice) gives you the right to hate. Let's open the flood gates! All earthlings fleeing persecution must be admitted in the country they flee to, no questions asked. Failure to do so, is a failure of doing the one thing that makes us human: a duty to care.