Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): Happy #4thOfJuly to states that practice liberty. #USA ranks 15th in freedom, and will keep falling if the fruitcakes (AL, AR, ID, KY, LA, MS, MO, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY) with trigger laws use tax dollars (even though they worship small government) to promote their inner Taliban.


August 30, 2020

GE turns five! Goes to show geopolitics still sells!

Global Editorial was conceived (okay, get your minds out of the gutter) five years ago on a hot and muggy day in Dallas, which is how you describe Big D for nine months of the year. Here's the the piece that has received the most amount of feedback, both in a positive and death threat kind of way. 


Thanks to everyone who has been there from day one. Looking forward to continuing the global brain exercises for years to come...

The following clips contain graphic images from the world's largest harbour (apologies to Hong Kong). Filming took place on the last day of winter (I use that word very loosely). For those playing weather trivia, there are only two seasons in Sydney: summer and a Canadian summer (or as locals call it, a Sydney winter). 

Harbour ferry (31/08/2020)

Watsons Bay Beach (31/08/2020)