Winter Salutations from the pristine shores of Australia's ninth oldest city. Please ignore the attire of yours truly, Melburnians are known to wear scarves when it's 10°C (50°F). Sincerest apologies to inhabitants of regions that experience real winters, you know, ones that shovel snow.
Sadly, we live in 15 second world (blame TikTok), so I guess the following clip is 120 seconds too long.
Like the country itself, Melbourne was a product of British settlement (many would argue it was an invasion), it has a long indigenous history dating back 40,000 years. In honour of National Reconciliation week (May 27-June 3), I ask readers to recognise the original tribes of Melbourne: Boonwurrung, Wauthaurong, Wurundjeri. All nations must fight for the advancement of their native people, or else life expectancy disparity will continue to widen between the non-indigenous and indigenous populace.
As we live in an American obsessed world, many of you probably lose little sleep over Australia, but I think it's time you knew its ten oldest cities - Sydney, NSW (1788); Hobart, TAS (1803); George Town, TAS (1804); Newcastle, NSW (1804); Launceston, TAS (1806); Brisbane, QLD (1825); Albany, WA (1827); Perth, WA (1829); Melbourne, VIC (1835); Adelaide, SA (1836).