Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): Happy #4thOfJuly to states that practice liberty. #USA ranks 15th in freedom, and will keep falling if the fruitcakes (AL, AR, ID, KY, LA, MS, MO, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, WY) with trigger laws use tax dollars (even though they worship small government) to promote their inner Taliban.


May 31, 2020

Only in Big M does one vlog about the elements

Winter Salutations from the pristine shores of Australia's ninth oldest city. Please ignore the attire of yours truly, Melburnians are known to wear scarves when it's 10°C (50°F). Sincerest apologies to inhabitants of regions that experience real winters, you know, ones that shovel snow. 

Sadly, we live in 15 second world (blame TikTok), so I guess the following clip is 120 seconds too long. 

Like the country itself, Melbourne was a product of British settlement (many would argue it was an invasion), it has a long indigenous history dating back 40,000 years. In honour of National Reconciliation week (May 27-June 3), I ask readers to recognise the original tribes of Melbourne: Boonwurrung, Wauthaurong, Wurundjeri. All nations must fight for the advancement of their native people, or else life expectancy disparity will continue to widen between the non-indigenous and indigenous populace.

As we live in an American obsessed world, many of you probably lose little sleep over Australia, but I think it's time you knew its ten oldest cities - Sydney, NSW (1788); Hobart, TAS (1803); George Town, TAS (1804); Newcastle, NSW (1804); Launceston, TAS (1806); Brisbane, QLD (1825); Albany, WA (1827); Perth, WA (1829); Melbourne, VIC (1835); Adelaide, SA (1836).