Time to deal with the cold hard statistics, and to lighten up the mood I'll add some beach scenery. First things first, let's dispel the myth that the US is the global pandemic leader. (However, the US still leads advanced nations in firearms slaughter, mass incarceration and capital punishment - you know I had to get that out there). The following is a selection of ten countries and their death rate from Covid-19 (per population of one million), according to today's figures from the World Health Organisation.
Belgium: 736.7
Spain: 558
Italy: 495.7
UK: 460.5
France: 387.9
Sweden: 298.5*
USA: 235
Canada: 118.9
Japan: 4.6
Australia: 3.9
(For my fellow Armenians, our homeland is at 14.2. I had to go there, we Armenians have a tendency of obsessing over our standing in the world).
As you can gather, bar the US, every country listed is an advocate of universal healthcare. After seeing Belgium at top of the list, the average American (while not having a clue where Belgium is located on map) will say: see, what's so special about healthcare as a right? On the other hand, someone from Japan will utter: for a country of 126 million we sure are making the world's richest country look third world. To sum up, let's stop the virus death games and instead worry about what we can do to collectively defeat this pesky virus, whilst also muting fear mongering.
*Sweden is all for herd immunity (gatherings of up to 50 allowed), schools and ice rinks are open as usual. Collectively as a society they understand that as sad as it is, most dying from the virus are the frail, so they best concentrate on looking after the vulnerable and allowing the healthy to go about normal life. Whereas in some US states they are grappling with lockdowns, California closing down beaches, for instance. Some would say the irony to all this is that Swedes are showing Americans how to practice freedom. Sorry to burst America's bubble, but good old "socialist" Sweden is now the land of the free!
Not to get side tracked, but I'm quite relieved that many nations already suffering from other more pressing concerns (clean drinking water, anyone?) have not been as affected. India's death rate stands at a measly 1.4 per one million. Many will say this is due to poor reporting with underlying numbers being higher, but whatever the case, many poorer nations (Indonesia is at 3.4 deaths) have come out unscathed - is this payback for Western imperialism?
Now, for a clip that proves it's not all doom and gloom. I grew up on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, so Melbourne beaches don't exactly do much for me. Let me rephrase: after spending five years in Texas, Melbourne beaches actually resemble God's country. If your blood pressure is rising from paranoia, here's 27 seconds of viewing to calm your senses. Still feeling like you want to be in a bunker? I suggest leaving this earth for a planet that offers more freedoms.