Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


December 8, 2017

Tickle me pink: Hollywood's harsher on predators than Washington

Two steps to start the process of wiping the political slate clean of deviants. Step one: throw the 25th Amendment at the sexual predator in chief (I will never type his name, as subhumans deserve the utmost disrespect). Step two: bulldoze the William Jefferson Clinton Library, my apologies to oily men! Now that Hollywood is giving the boot to sexual predators (albeit belatedly), politics needs to follow suit.

Bizarre times we live in when the entertainment business is harsher on deviants than politics is on taxpayer funded representatives. Full disclosure: I'm an extreme feminist, I will never open my door to anyone who mistreats woman or supports anything or anyone involved in this repulsive disorder. Yes, I include churches and political parties in this list. It's more evident than ever when you have religious types going out of their way to admire a full blown pedophile (I won't mention his name, but he stalks underage girls in Alabama). First of all the GOP should be discredited for backing a sexual harasser as President, secondly they should be disbanded over backing a child molester.

Now, now I'm apolitical, especially in this country where we have two backward conservative parties, not a progressive in sight. My above comments stand, Billie's library must be removed and every other pathetic Democrat that sits idly by allowing to be walked over, too scared to actually fight for a liberal democracy. We get it, conservatives in this country hate Muslims and minorities. Classic lines: I hate the gays and those brown folk praying weirdly. Hate to break it to you, but Islam isn't exactly pro-gay, so maybe deep down you're lovers. The so-called liberals allowing these hypocrites to getaway with murder are scared of being seen too Scandinavian. You know, those people from a part of the world that create world leading companies, yet maintain a social welfare system that is the envy of thee world. Next time you shop at IKEA, remember, you're supporting a "socialist" country that gives equal footing to promoting strong business development and maintaining a safety net for all, not just for the millionaires club.

In lieu of Christmas gifts, we should all tell our loved ones to disown everyone in their life that abuses woman or supports an organization that does. Funny, I thought only Hollywood types would defend sleazy men who major in abusing young girls, didn't think a bandwagon of baptists and evangelicals would be rolling out the red carpet for a pedophile. Maybe they're basking in the glory of voting for a thrice-married bigoted maniac that has rubbed himself onto countless woman forcefully. Sorry to put that image in your head, but I want you to think about supporting a predator for President and a child molester as a Senate candidate. Just to reiterate, there's no difference between American Christian conservatives and ones of the Muslim variety, they both lose sleep over the gays and get off on supporting filth that spit on woman.

PS. I also support the bulldozing of every Presidential library that honors war criminals, including the one that stands down the road from my residence (hint: named after an illiterate bumpkin that slaughtered some 500,000 innocents). This man went to Yale and has the same grade-three intellect as that Wharton educated tangerine sociopath. Sincerest apologies to 8-year-old's, I still trust you more with the nuclear codes than the aforementioned simpletons.