Ever since June 16, 2015 when the would-be Führer uttered 'Mexican rapists', I told anyone who was willing to listen that this poor excuse for a human would be a racist conspiracy theorists dream come true as President. I warned you, and now you have got what you deserve - I'm talking to you redneck America! I get that your Supreme leaders love of Russia has confirmed what you wanted all along: a Russian style oligarch running the country who hates gays, Jews, blacks and everything in between. (Even Armenians with dark features have been beaten to death in Russia by Neo-Nazi groups). The President is David Duke's brother from another mother, in fact, as of today the KKK will bestow upon the Führer a new title: Grand Wizard Donnie.
I'm not a fan of watching the news (they keep telling us that we'll be slaughtered at any given moment), but here in the U.S. they're obsessed with having a TV in every venue, so unfortunately I've been exposed to the world ending. One thing I've picked up is that people can be cruel, no matter the pigmentation of their skin. Where I live, people get caught up in this sensationalism by blaming 'those Mexicans and African-Americans' for crime, until I point out all the white folk that have created havoc on society - school shootings, child abuse, bombings, wife-beating (even Steve Bannon has beaten up on his wives).
People can display bigotry all they want, at the end of the day humans share 99.9 % of DNA. Case in point, some would call me a pasty white Caucasian, until I explain to them that I share part of my DNA with the Chinese. To all those racist Armenians out there, sorry to burst your bubble, but you actually share blood with folk that your parents lecture you about not marrying. The irony is not lost on me that many children of immigrants in the U.S. are defending 'white' America. I recommend you study your family tree and genetics, then come back to me. Go back far enough and you'll make a shocking discovery, we all evolved from Africa. Again, being narrow-minded and being focused on what's on the outside makes it hard to understand these cold hard facts.
I get that the majority of humans lack critical thinking skills, no, looking up information on your phone to seem intelligent doesn't count. If we're going to argue about which race is best then we are no more evolved than owls, one of the dumbest creature around. We don't choose the color of our skin or physical features. That's right KKK, when in the womb there is no magic button that makes you pop out white and non-Jewish. One things for sure, your ancestors came from Africa - deal with it!
As a Dallasite, I'm ashamed that Robert E. Lee has a park and statue in his honor just two miles from where I reside. Those not familiar with Dallas, let me just it sits adjacent to Turtle Creek (an affluent part of town), which proves once again money cannot buy integrity. No one can be bothered to get out of their expensive European cars (funny how rich Americans drive prestige cars from socialist countries) and lack the time to denounce this abhorrent relic to a disgusting racist. I'm proud to have given a big two thumbs down to this atrocious landmark.

The 43rd President was lambasted, and rightly so for being an illiterate warmonger. I will never forget his lack of compassion (Hurricane Katrina), cruelty (two wars that brought back bags of soldiers and slaughtered countless innocent woman and children), Patriot Act (so much for being a freedom lover, more like stalker-in-chief). It's only fair that the current Neanderthal-in-chief is equally scolded for bringing shame to these United States.
If you or anyone you know voted for or defends the 45th President, 48th Vice President (of gay conversion fame) or any politician that is pro-gun and thinks healthcare is not a right, then please disown them, even if you share blood ties. You could die at any minute, so why have being associated with inhumane creatures on your conscious. If you need to have a laugh, remind yourself that these folk and their supporters highlight their Christian values (somehow they have no idea what compassion is, maybe Jesus' teachings are too progressive for them). Satan can't wait to welcome these fraudsters to hell.