Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


January 30, 2017

Jesus and Lincoln called 202-456-1414; conveying disgust at having their names defiled by this racist administration

My parents hold Syrian passports - come and get me Führer Trump*. Warning: don't mess with us Australian-Armenian-American types, especially ones from Texas! I get it, I "applied" to be born in a Western country, so my rights don't get trod on. To those being questioned on their birthplace, make sure you show border patrol a picture of Ellis Island, this will remind them of what makes America truly great.

Hey sleaze ball in charge of the nukes, could you please send Paul Ryan after me. He said you displayed textbook racism during the campaign, but now blushes at your "compassionate" Christian virtues (you know, of the 'treat people the same way you want them to treat you' kind). Don't get me started on his love for showing "empathy" towards the disabled and undocumented aliens - cough, cough...You do realize Mary and Joseph would be rejected under this buffoon. Not to worry, Republicans gain power due in large part to the Evangelical vote, hell will have a special place for these hypocrites.

I'll leave you with this poignant piece of cartoon art, sums up all you need to know about America's laughing-stock credentials. Maybe we need this poor excuse of a human to take us to the brink. As we saw this weekend at airports around the country, this might spur us into devoting more energy helping impoverished refugees, than losing sleep over tweets from an ignorant despot.

PS. Unless you've been hiding in a bunker, an unelected wife-beating racist (Steve Bannon) counsels the despot. He has a long history of advocating ethno-nationalism - you'd think he was a pure American, but no, he has Irish lineage. Tickle me pink, a product of immigrants hell-bent on decimating the world’s greatest melting pot. If you have a soul (come Nov 6, 2018 and Nov 3, 2020), it's your duty to reject the party that facilitates this abomination.

* Stands for illegitimate President. Time to consider the 25th Amendment and send Mussolini's doppelganger to the dustbin of history.