Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


July 1, 2016

Ellis Island style acceptance: the antidote to race-mongers on both sides of the pond

I see the Philistines across the pond got what they wished for - a beautiful bigoted Britain, to be freed of all those immigrants. Let's stop and pause for a minute, oh that's right, most Brits themselves have Roman blood, heck, many can trace their ancestry to what we now refer to as Spain. We are all from some odd foreign land, unless of course we're natives, in which case, we will be trod upon by savage settlers. 

Talking Spain, interesting how so many Brits have moved their for sunshine and a laid back lifestyle, majority don't even speak the language and yet have been allowed to operate businesses and work - you guessed it, the privileges of being an EU member. Now, those same Spanish have also been able to gain the benefits from a global financial center such as London. As you can see, benefits run both ways, it's called free movement of people's. On my many travels to the UK, I can tell you for a fact, that is you were to say goodbye to the 500,000 or so Poles in England, you would also say goodbye to all those blue-collar jobs, good luck finding a builder. 

Not surprisingly, Londoners voted in favor of remaining (it has and always will be a global citizen), so to Scotland (let's hope the Scottish take another Independence vote and join Ireland as Europeans). How ironic, that the racist barbarians (that vile creature running for US President) own mother fled Scotland for a new life in NY, and now her offspring is gloating about 'Brexit' at a Scottish golf course - he really is deranged. For the icing on the cake, the bigots had a collective heart attack when they realized by exiting the EU they will attract the kinds they were so scared of. The Middle East is celebrating, the pound falling means more high-end property will be bought up by the playboys of Gulf monarchies. Not to mention, sending kids to top end colleges became a lot cheaper. As they say in the classics: be careful what you wish for...

Now, all we need is for Americans to rid themselves of full-blown racists and their supporters - haters who hide behind closed doors often using religion or pleasantries (those in the South will know what I'm referring to, using covet phrases like 'bless your heart' in public then spewing hatred on Facebook). Come the first Tuesday of November, let's hope the U.S. becomes the actual leader of the free world and shoves racism, bigotry and xenophobia back to where it belongs - 1950's America.

Which brings me to Independence Day, on the 4th of July let us all rejoice over this great land inhabitant by immigrants (whether documented or undocumented). If you are not a Native American, then please don't holler about wanting your country back. If we can take in the "smelly" Irish of the 19th century, we can surely take in our fair share of Syrian refugees, even non-Christian ones - shock horror! I am a proud product of immigrants (welcomed in by a Muslim nation), I was raised in a nation built by foreigners, now having emigrated to the nation of Lady Liberty, I know my door will be forever open to the world.