Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


January 4, 2016

366 days of mind-numbing hyperbole has commenced

Welcome to 2016 (5776, 2059, 1437 for those using the Hebrew, Buddhist, Islamic calendars respectively) my fellow earthlings. Looking forward to providing more off-tangent commentary. If I manage to educate/enrage you along the way, then I will have achieved my goal of brain nourishment/raising blood pressure! 

We all know what the start of the year means: hearing about senseless loss of life on a daily basis, whilst simultaneously being shocked like it has never happened before. Mainstream media is a meaningless tool that is all about smoke and mirrors. They have no clues about preventing craziness, they just want to be the first to break news. Now with social media, the world is going off the cliff of human consciousness. It's already day one and people are peaking at their phones for updates on news so they can add their own two cents to. Get ready to witness the famous online commentary: "Hey friends, I was the first to like an article about death of innocence". If only every 'like' went towards saving a life.

Every country will face its perils, of course events will be witnessed through rose-tinted glasses. For example, here in the U.S. it's a dead-set certainty celebrity misdemeanors will get more coverage than innocent children being bombed to death half a world away, by so-called civilized nations trying to boost their humanitarian credentials. Then there's the elephant in the room: panic over terror. The media machine will drum up the horror show, whilst overlooking that a five-figure amount of lives will be lost on home soil to guns in 2016. Note: this past year loss of life by firearms matched automobile accidents as the number 1 non-medical cause of death, as opposed to 50 by acts of terror - you do the math...

In August, the world will come together for the Olympics, cause we humans can't be bothered to be respectful to each other at any other time. Once it's over, we'll all be freed to wreak havoc for another 4 years gill we have to go through the harmony on earth routine. Then comes November, where the U.S. will advertise its crony capitalism for the world to see. Nothing like an election with record spending to buy votes, which is why democracy is going nowhere fast. However, faceless lobbyists brainwashing the public via puppet Presidents and elected officials is on the up and up. 

My prescription for the upcoming year: calculate how much you spend being consumed by white noise, if this exceeds the time spent living in reality then you must immediately undertake a detox program. Failure to do so will lead to another year lost to agony, which will come back to haunt you.