Four key areas where the aforementioned are ecstatic over America getting back to 1939 values. The below list proves China and their illiberal brethren are erasing parts of Lady Liberty's DNA.
1) Reproductive freedom is forbidden in the Saudi belt of America. For simpletons, states that resemble medieval times. Please boycott the following:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia.
*From the moment of fertilization, Texas has control of the fairer sex. If your a victim of rape/incest, then Texas will force you to breed. Another example of theocratic rule disguised as freedom.
2) Capital punishment is still on the books in these deadbeat states:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming
*Death by firing squad has been reinstated in Idaho, no, I'm not making this up! I guess Putin will slip this tidbit into his next press conference to assure the world that Americans are on board with his human rights agenda.
3) Homophobia/eradicating gender identity is rampant in these disgusting states:
Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Montana, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas.
'Don"t Say Gay' is the name of an actual law in Florida. Let me repeat, never ever step foot in this backward fruitcake of a state. My condolences to anyone who lives there.
4) Migrant bashing: Alabama, *Florida, Iowa, Texas.
Governor of Florida (Meathead Ron, not an earthling that deserves name recognition), product of undocumented immigrants himself, recently signed Bill 1718 that spits on the tired and poor. China is loving this, they to spit on the marginalised, refer to the Uyghurs. Not surprisingly, he has yet to sign a bill taking semi-automatic weapons away from citizens that do way more harm to society.
One can never get enough of the hilarity of states like Florida and Texas, both pride themselves on being limited government oasis', yet are the first to enact laws that allow the government to rule over your bedroom, body, library, school. You know what the likes of Putin do when they are told Russia lacks freedom, they wheel out what's happening in America's south and drop the mic!
Now, to the antithesis of all of the above: The Land of Lincoln, Illinois. Just to annoy the living daylights out of all the wannabe theocrats, Illinois passed a law that gives businesses the right to install gender neutral bathrooms. Furthermore, this great state is a sanctuary to the undocumented and is the first state to oppose banning books, that's right, kiddies in Illinois can learn about 'the gays' at any age. Floridians are outraged, their state is currently practicing banning books, which is making a character with little mustache very happy in hell.