Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


March 18, 2022

Outing a world-class hypocrite

Let me educate those that suffer from a selective memory. Currently the world is swooning over a comedian (pretending to be a Ukrainian President) Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy (VOZ), so it's my duty to balance out the love with actual criticism. Okay, go ahead, bring on the death threats! VOZ is all about not meddling in other nations, yet he made the following remarks in regards to the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) war in October 2020, and I quote: "We support Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty just as Azerbaijan always supports our territorial integrity and sovereignty." 

VOZ, you sir are a grade-A hypocrite. You backed Azerbaijan in their slaughter of ethnic Armenians (a people that claim this land as theirs). Yes, the Azeri's will say this is also our land, but as you can see, you backed a nation to a claim over a territory they find kinship with, sound familiar? Sociopath Vlad is doing exactly what Azerbaijan did, laying claim to a territory which shares an ancestral lineage to Russia. Talking Armenian (as I literally do with my daughter), Margairta Simonyan is the no.1 apologist for Putin, in her role as editior-in-chief of that atrocious propagandist network, RT. Cannot believe an Armenian will go down as the modern day Goebbels. First Dr Kevorkian, then the Kardashians, and now this. Maybe I'm right in jokingly referring to my brethren as not a good people.

It's sickening that there's no critical thinking involved in reporting, go figure, the most views on youtube regarding the war are from late night talk show hosts. No disrespect to Stephen Colbert, but you're an American that wouldn't even know how to pronounce one letter from the Cyrillic alphabet. Funny how over Joey's botched Afghanistan episode he was twiddling his thumbs. I get it, you have a group of writers, but can you at least laugh at VOZ's support of massacres in NK. Stick to your lane, the US has done its fair share of invading nations, but hey, that's their right.

The players in this conflict are evil, sadly their people are suffering for it. I urge all readers to open their doors to anyone fleeing the crisis, no matter which side they're on. Shout-out to my ancestral homeland of Armenia, it might be economically poor, but it has opened its doors to Russians. You see, Vlad and VOZ are disgraceful excuses for earthlings. Let's all unite to denounce these war criminals and embrace the innocent folk having to live under their rule. Furthermore, don't forget the mass of humanity still in need of assistance from Ethiopia to Haiti. I get that white people being persecuted gets more airtime, but spare a thought for those with a darker skin tone that are being lost in the shuffle of this war.

The world needs real leadership, any nation that has not thrown stones or invaded others must speak up. I get this leaves very few nations, but the last thing we need is two-faced nations that have pillaged others to lecture us. C'mon Bhutan, this is your time, tell the world to unite and open up borders to all being trampled on by despots. What a funny world we live in, remember ISIS? We've gone from fearing Muslims to being frightened of a pasty white man aided and abetted by the Russian Orthodox Church. Good times, Christians are once again evil. See, our biggest threat isn't from brown people after all!