Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


November 14, 2021


With less than 50 days left in 2021 (for those who rely on the Gregorian calendar), it's an action packed schedule of votes around the world. We all need a little intermission before the home stretch. As of publishing, Argentina (half of the seats in Chamber of Deputies and third in Senate up for grabs) and Bulgaria (President and Parliament) are tallying up the votes. 

It can be discombobulating keeping up with all the voting patterns, so let's take a breather, an intermission if you will. With film festival season heating up, what better way to relax, than by digesting some classic tandem vlogs from the heart of "crime-ridden" Sydney (a city that will never be on par with New York globally, blame the lack of rats). To add a little incentive, you decide which clip will be submitted to the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, no pressure! 

Warning: you might need an interpreter to decipher the words emanating on two-wheels

November 3, 2021

Unity is a dirty word

It's gabfest season in Scotland (weather gods really are up to tricks, snow storm hits Glasgow as the world talks about over heating), where you would think the whole world would come together to finally do the most logical thing: put earth before nationalistic tendencies. We all know planet earth is not known for unity, it's made up of a bunch of nation states that perfect the most disgusting of human art forms, jingoism. Imagine if a leader of a powerful country used the following slogan to seek reelection: I stand for an open door policy towards migrants, but will close the door on all climate abusers. 

Brazil, China, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Turkey representing some 2.240 billion earthlings can't even be bothered to send their leaders to attend a climate change conference. You'll be happy to know these same leaders have time to go to the toilet (sorry to place that image in your head), but when it comes to planet earth expiring they have more important things to do. Here's a novel idea, how about we send a memo to all the heads of government, and asked them to answer the following simple question: It's a proven fact that humans cannot choose their country of origin, so with this in mind, please click yes to working as one with your fellow earthlings to protect our homeland. 

Let's return the favour, if they can boycott something they clearly believe is not vital, then it's time to boycott products/services from the aforementioned countries. I understand that it's near impossible, China itself dictates our day-to-day lives, imagine what your kitchen would look like without our favourite communists input. One thing for sure, it will lead to the destruction of shopping. Any excuse to destroy Amazon will boost global morale. Even harder, how can we function without eating those delectable Brazilian oranges. You get the drift, don't you dare order sushi on your made in China smart phone. 

When climate is discussed, people will always quote someone that represents their views, let me reword that, climate deniers will die on a hill just to be a token. The poster boy for the 'what's the big deal' crowd are now swooning over Bjørn Lomberg, author of, 'False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet'. Depending on your critical thinking skills, this might just become your bible. (Dear, American conspiracy theorists: Lomberg is Danish, so hopefully you're comfortable quoting a man raised and educated in socialist Denmark). 

In other news...Nov 2, 2021 offered a spicy meatball of results across the US. (Not quite as riveting as the penultimate episode of 'American Crime Story: Impeachment'. To think, sleazy Billy boy is four years younger than JRB). Starting with the Virginia gubernatorial race, where Democrats were crushed. Joey, how's that middle-of-the-road agenda working out for your party? Not since 2009 have the GOP led this state, the moniker Virginia is for Lovers, will now read: Virginia is for fruitcakes. The Governor-elect lives up to the billing, he doesn't understand what leads to climate change and is all bout not protecting transgender students (FYI: he graduated from Harvard). New Jersey was on the brink of a boilover, but the incumbent held on for dear life, marking the first time in 44 years a Dem was reelected as NJ Governor.

No matter how much a bunch of white men jockey for power in the US, it's always countered by diversity doing its thing at the grassroots level. Michelle Wu (Taiwanese heritage) and Aftab Pureval (Indian-Tibetan heritage) were both elected as the first Asian-American mayors of their respective cities, Boston and Cincinnati. In another rarity, Wu won running as a Progressive Democrat, proving once more that Boston is America's true liberal bastion.