Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


November 13, 2020

The Caucasus depict the worst in humans: nationalism

Believe it or not, the world is a big place full of nations extolling their racist virtues (refer to borders). As astute readers of Global Editorial are aware, we need to be better as earthlings, rise above petty jingoism. Long story short, as one with Armenian ancestry I have an understanding of what nationalism can do. Ever since I was knee high, I've heard Armenians promoting a Turkish boycott, even the spilling of blood, this went into overdrive the past few months. Sorry to burst the bubble of zealots, but I’m a globalist that will never stoop to the level of hatred based on ethnicity. (Another thing, the couple behind the Covid-19 vaccine Ugur Sahin and Ã–zlem Türeci are Turkish, I guess no vaccine for Armenians). Now that a tentative peace agreement has been reached in the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) conflict, I will risk death threats to voice my two cents. This all ties into the op-ed I wrote in 2018, the peaceful rise to power of Nikol Pashinyan, at the time the antithesis of years of corrupt rule. 


This was a major turning point for Armenia, long considered a Russian satellite unable to break free of the quasi authoritarian poison that it has endured since declaring independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. 19 months ago I warned Armenians that this might be an oasis, even with a peaceful uprising there comes caveats, and in this case it was Pashinyan having to deal with the devil, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) - long hell-bent on payback for the genocide, mainly coming in the form of taking back Turkish lands. Even though NK (Armenians refer to it as Artsakh) is internationally recognised as Azeri land, Armenians took it by force in 1994, and ever since has been an autonomous Armenian state (80% of its population being ethnic Armenians). Long story short, Pashinyan didn’t want to be embroiled in another conflict, and so when he was caught off guard with Azeri aggression a few months ago, he had to dig in, due to the ARF pact. Cut to November 9, thousands of troops and civilians dead on both sides and he falls for the Russian curse. So much for a peaceful uprising in 2018, bringing in a new dawn of democracy with the ability function outside the Russian yolk.

Not to blow my on trumpet, but I have been vindicated, not that I say this as a gloating mechanism. My gut told me after NP came to power that he would struggle to weigh up the Russian and ARF influence. This part of the world is not yet for a government free of military rhetoric and Mother Russia. In less than two months Armenia suffered not only casualties, but lost parts of NK (Azerbaijan now has a transport corridor connecting it to Turkey via Nakhchivan). November 9, 2020 will now go down in history as the beginning of the end of Armenia’s modern progress. Waving the white flag at Russia's insistence gives Putin what he wanted, Russian peacekeepers in NK. Some say this is payback for not allowing Putin to meet with his fellow crony pal Robert Kocharyan (Armenia's former President, currently behind bars over corruption at NP's behest). Put it this way, Putin's not happy with the peaceful transition of power taking place in his sphere, he was outraged after the Georgia Rose revolution and was displeased that Armenia went down the same track. You display any semblance of democracy and Vlad gets cranky, so much so he sits back during the NK conflict until such time he is invited to bring peace - classic modern-day Russian gamesmanship. 

I shouldn’t mention the bogey man in the room, but I will: Turkey. Their kinship with the Azeri’s is now strengthened and they get to keep Russia on their side. Armenia hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to receiving assistance from Superpowers (particularly the USA). No one bothered to protect Armenia during the 1915 genocide, Soviets finally coming to the rescue once 1.5 million were exterminated. Even when the NK conflict first flared up in 1994, the US was silent. It was a given that this recent episode wouldn’t get America’s attention, largely due to the government having no interest in geopolitics. Funny how the 45th President (shall remain nameless due to being discord to the dustbin of bigoted leaders of the adulterer variety) appeased his base with Christian talk, yet couldn’t be bothered to help Armenia, the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion. Then again, both Azerbaijan and Turkey are led by autocrats, which was the dream of no. 45. Now that we no longer have to worry about a Mussolini wannabe with the nuclear codes, I still don’t see much change with no. 46. JRB’s slight positive is that he won’t openly grovel to strong men, but that’s a topic for another day. 

Long story short, women and children perished unnecessarily over another land grab. Everyone will believe what they want to believe, mainly dictated by your ancestry, Personally, I think blame lies on both sides for this recent conflict. This comment alone will garner death threats, now you know why I despise nationalism. We humans are raised to hate, we have no choice on our identity at birth, yet we grow up spewing hatred in the name of an origin story we have no say in. As a human with Armenian origin, I hereby denounce all those that hide behind a flag. Yes, Armenians killed innocent earthlings just like the Azeri’s did. 

NK is a microcosm of the hate in the world. Even if you’re not connected to this conflict in any cultural way, remember, we’re a planet full of hate, let’s start a revolution of not being programmed to hate by our parents/environment, instead open our minds to the fact that we could have all been born into the identity of our enemy. Think about it, please, for the sake of humanity! Okay, I’ll count to three, and let the hate begin. I’m better than you due to my physical appearance, country of birth - what the hell does that even mean? We’re all Africans, dam it, yet we still kill our fellow man while sharing their DNA. If any aliens are reading this, we humans are so evolved that we no longer invade territories on earth (under the guise of our blind patriotism) to expand our insecurities - pigs might fly!!!

November 10, 2020

Land of 13 Months of Sunshine is on the precipice

I get it, there has been an over saturation of coverage on the on-going crisis in Ethiopia, to the point that every media outlet (whether it be terrestrial or social media) is banging on about it ad nauseam. Okay, I got you! We all know that this land of sunshine is once again being ignored, let's hope this time we don't need a bunch of superficial celebrities coming together (circa 1985) to recognise some 110 million of our fellow earthlings.

I will not stop highlighting this great nation that speaks the language of Christ (Aramaic), until such time it garners wall-to-wall coverage. If you have forgotten or God forbid didn't know already, Abiy Ahmed (4th Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019. I think I lost most of you (blame your addiction on a Superpower that shall remain nameless), which is a shame. Ahmed was bestowed this honour for his efforts to bring peace with Eritrea. Only one problem, he is now waging a war with the Northern separatists in Tigray (one of nine regions that make up Ethiopia) aligned with Eritrea, Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). 

For good or bad, I think the Noble committee stuffed up this time around. Ahmed has a lot going for him, well, not really. He has us fooled with his charisma and youthfulness (being a product of a Muslim father, Christian mother is also appealing), the man is undertaking ethnic profiling, we all know where that leads - you hear me, 1936 Deutschland. Since coming to power in April 2018, nearly 2 million Ethiopians have fled their homes, creating a mass internal refugee problem. All for Ahmed's preoccupation with controlling Tigray. Autonomy should be the name of the game here, last thing Ethiopia needs is taxpayers money going towards a civil war, especially seeing as in 2019 it recorded an impressive 8.97 jump in GDP (not to mention life expectancy of 66, pretty solid for a nation three decades removed from famine).

Breaking news: the land of 3.2 humans per square kilometre (Australia) has agreed to take in the displaced from the land of 115 humans per square kilometre (Ethiopia). Who am I kidding? Australians whine about traffic, and there's that little thing they master (racism), so good luck getting this empty continent to help its fellow man. Reminder: all of us originated from Africa, even pasty white bigots.

Back to the Tigrayan people, they make up nearly 10% of the population and are 90% Christian. The TPLF was a major part of the ruling coalition until Ahmed came to power, after which he dismantled a coalition of ethnically diverse parties to create one national party. Many might think Ahmed (who identifies as Muslim) is out to get the Christian north. This looks more like a territorial issue, but sadly humans sometimes only notice a conflict if it fits our own worldview. For instance, a religious organisation will only help if it can grow their congregation. Here's a novel idea: how about we do the right thing, help anyone in need unconditionally. Many greedy First World inhabitants will be asking: why care about Ethiopia when we have our own issues? To those particular in the West, let's see, you spend way too much on four-legged creatures, so maybe divert the funds to actually sponsor a refugee.

People love to go to Ethiopian restaurants and consume coffee with Ethiopian beans. The time has come to rise above your foodie interest in the Horn of Africa and actually pressure the leadership in the countries you reside in to take action against this "man of peace". A leader of the second most populous nation in Africa is having a mini Mussolini moment, let' nip it in the bud before it destroys one of the great civilisations. 

November 3, 2020

Two words for uptight (non US) aliens: calm down!

Thank you to all those that worship the US from afar (even though you don't have American residency, pay taxes to the IRS, posses a social security number). You have given me the ammunition to rant for 302 seconds on election day, don't let the idyllic background fool you. 

Mrs Macquaries Point - Sydney, Australia (a nation that is not eligible to vote in USA decides)

FYI: Here are the results from the ballot measures (proves once again, grassroots America is alive and well).

Proposition 207: Yes

Proposition 16: No
Proposition 22: Yes

Proposition 118: Yes

Amendment 2: Yes

Amendment 1: Yes

Proposal 2: Yes

Ballot Measure 1A: Yes

I-190: Yes

Amendment 1: Yes

Question 2: Yes

Measure 109: Yes
Measure 110: Yes

South Dakota
Initiated Measure 26: Yes

Constitutional Amendment C: Yes