Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


November 28, 2019

Happy Thanks'vlog'giving

When you've experienced five Thanksgivings in the heart of Texas, there's only one thing to do: tell it like it is from the best vantage point in Big D.

Warning: the following clip will waste 400 seconds of your life, hopefully in the process you are educated/offended, or preferably both.

November 23, 2019

Marking 56 years since that horrific day in Dallas

Visitors keep flocking to Dealey Plaza and the JFK Sixth Floor Museum, still the no. 1 tourist destination in Big D, even 56 years after the shots that stopped the nation. say what you will, Lee Harvey Oswald has greatly benefited the Dallas economy - is it too soon to make that comment?

As a Dallasite I finally succumbed to morbid tourism (via cycling, of course).

No more eerie experience than walking through the infamous Texas School Book Depository on the assassination anniversary. RIP JFK.

November 15, 2019

Is the land of the midnight sun to blame?

Haakon V of Norway (served as King from 1299-1319) is an obvious point of discussion around the dinner table on any given night, am I right? Okay, not all of us share a love for Norwegian royalty, but you might just after you learn about Haakon’s future lineage.

Depending on what fence you sit on, to put it bluntly: do you admire thrice married humans with a penchant for adultery, con artistry, illiteracy, misogyny and racism? Or Do you prefer humans that operate with some semblance of dignity and honor? If you are in the former camp then Norway is now you’re no go-to destination to seek asylum in the event of an upheaval in your current homeland. Haakon is indeed connected by blood to Donny from Queens, NY (I’m unable to type is full name due to my pet peeve of Neanderthals, sincerest apologies to men who live life as cavemen). Another little tid-bit, Iceland’s current President, Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson (has one of the more easier names to pronounce in Icelandic) is also related to Haakon, and in turn uncle Donny. To add a little more confusion, Jóhannesson’s wife happens to be a Canadian, by all means be prepared for this to be asked at trivia night.

I guess it’s fate, Norway is trying to imitate Denmark in its racist predilections (incidentally, Haakon himself came from Danish stock, so that just ruined Lego, dam shame we can no longer buy Lego for the kiddies). For those playing nature v nurture at home, a lot can be deciphered from genealogy, I mean Donny has mentioned Norway randomly since losing the popular vote 1102 days ago (this one’s for you day geeks), refer to his inane comments in a meeting with Senators in the Oval Office in January 2018, where he reportedly complained about complained about migrants from Haiti, El Salvador and other “sh*thole countries,”adding “we should have more people from Norway.”

I give my readers (those not fans of thrice married types) to print out t-shirts with the caption: Blame Norway (via Haakon V) for giving the Neanderthal Nuclear Codes. Now, now, lovers of the septuagenarian adulterer can use: God Bless Norway for giving birth to a sociopaths wet dream. I urge readers to wear this on Thanksgiving, the sure-fire way to see which family members are pro Norwegian. If you are surrounded by pro Norwegians, then quietly mention Anders Breivik, like American mass shooters he was a pasty Caucasian that slaughtered innocent folk. This will then lead to wacko conspiracy theories that Breivik was a vehicle of leftist liberals hell bent on disparaging white men who have been hard done by, sadly folks this is what social media has given us.

Norway is a prod liberal nation, one that allows woman full choice to the point where the government subsidizes abortions. It has a massive social safety net and makes one of the highest contributions to foreign aid. Maybe next time a bigot points to Norway and says I want more of them in my country (purely on skin tone), you can fire back by saying: great, at least they’ll bring liberal ideals with them, values that you deem socialist, which is exactly what you despise. Maybe one day when we regain our sense of humor we can once again have a vigorous conversations with people across the political spectrum, until then get your point across on a t-shirt, less chance of getting death threats. 

November 1, 2019

A decade marred by inconsistency produced some gems

Independent (indie) film suffered this past decade, let's all give a sarcastic clap to the main culprit: streaming services. Maybe 2020 will be the start of a trend against the internet factory mind-numbing viewers and we get back to real films that offend and educate.

For now let's reminisce on this past decade - why not wait till 12/31/19 you say? You can blame the masterpiece 'Waves' for that. I can guarantee it won't be recognized come Oscar season, art house films are just to creative for the Hollywood machine.

Here are my picks of the stand-out English and non-English flick each year had to offer. (Outlier years are 2012, 2014, 2017 and 2019 where two foreign films share top spot). Hands down, 'Incendies' is my pick as the greatest (if not the greatest of all-time) film of the decade. Warning: viewing the following might cause vigorous debate among your social circle, in some cases may cause estrangement.

Director: Sofia Coppola

Director: Denis Villeneuve
French, Arabic

Director: Lars von Trier

Oslo, August 31st
Director: Joachim Trier

Moonrise Kingdom
Director: Wes Anderson

Jagten (The Hunt)
Director: Thomas Vinterberg

Después de Lucía (After Lucia)
Director: Michel Franco

Upstream Color
Director: Shane Carruth

La vie d'Adèle (Blue Is the Warmest Color)
Director: Abdellatif Kechiche

Director: Richard Linklater

Force Majeure
Director: Ruben Östlund
Swedish, English, French, Norwegian

Director: Christian Petzold

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Director: Alfonso Gomez

Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven

Director: Todd Solondz

Toni Erdmann
Director: Maren Ade
German, English, Romanian

The Florida Project
Director: Sean Baker

Estiu 1993 (Summer 1993)
Director: Carla Simón

Una Mujer Fantástica (A Fantastic Woman)
Director: Sebastián Lelio

The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Director: Desiree Akhavan

Den skyldige (The Guilty)
Director: Gustav Möller

Director: Trey Edward Shults

Gisaengchung (Parasite)
Director: Bong Joon Ho

Dolor y gloria (Pain and Glory)
Director: Pedro Almodóvar

I strongly recommend you place your phones in the dustbin and devote a weekend to consuming the above, you never know, it might actually lead you to live a more fulfilling life.