Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


June 14, 2018

Time to ratify the 28th Amendment

The President of the United States (POTUS) has a long history of either backing human rights abusers via cloak and dagger methods (CIA for those of you playing at home) or flat-out lusts over them in person. Case in point, Ronald Reagan was a master, not only openly backing the Contras in the 80's (carried out 1300 terrorist attacks in Nicaragua) but also the Taliban in 1983 (I'll let you think about that one next time someone dare mention that Ronnie is a legend) against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Then you have George W. (refer below) and George H. Bush who has blood on his hands as CIA director and 41st President (butchering thousands of Panamanians for his spat with Noriega and paved the way for Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait, just so his son can get back at daddy's pal later on). Clinton who was too busy womanizing to use American might to stop the ghastly genocide of some one million Tutsi by the Hutu-led government in Rwanda. Obama will have to live with the fact that he decided to visit Riyadh four times, there's a reason why he authorized U.S. military drone attacks on Yemen, Saudi's despise the Shiite leadership in Sana'a.

(Side note: The only saving grace for Democrats is that they don't preach family values and small government. Republican Presidents increase taxes to fund wasteful wars and think they own family values, when in fact they love to contradict themselves. Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania ring a bell? You know, the anti-abortion politician that impregnated his mistress and had the audacity to ask her to have an abortion. My opinion still stands, both parties are too conservative, we need new parties that represent a real liberal democracy, ones that don't use taxpayer dollars for wasteful military spending, capital punishment and putting people behind bars).

For those with shorter memories...George W. Bush kissed King Salman and receiving a medal, so to Obama and that subhuman who happened to turn 72 today (his birthday wish is probably to trade in his third wife for a fourth and no doubt consolidating his support from Christian conservatives, they love a philanderer as seen by 80% of Evangelicals backing him in 2016). If you've followed my blog you'll know how much I "adore" the House of Saud and their Wahhabi doctrine, all they've done is play the U.S. to perfection, taking their arms and growing their terror network globally -Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front, ISIS are the "beautiful" babies they've birthed.

Why do I mention the leader of the free world's hypocrisy? On 6/12/2018 the DPRK received legitimacy on the world stage via their supreme leader, aided and abetted by China. Singapore and good old Uncle Sam. We don't need some unhinged despot who happens to lead the U.S. tell the world that it's an honor to meet Kim Jong-un. This is why I want aliens to take over, it's downright sad that taxpayers dollars are used to fund the travels of an empty headed POTUS so he can praise a man who starves his people and kills anyone who dare questions him cause he's all about using nukes as a thought control tool. How 'bout instead of signing a hollow document, we actually have a President that stares a maniac in the face and tells him to feed his people and accept liberalism before having a photo opp. Some would say what's the big fuss, granted the U.S., China and Singapore are both ruthless when it comes to human right abuses, one look at their death penalty practices says a lot, not to mention mass incarceration (BTW the U.S. still leads the world in this category).

The U.S. is all about promoting freedom and keeping human rights abusers in check, so the time has come for the POTUS to ensure the country he/she leads is free of the filth that should have no place in a modern advanced nation, I call for an amendment to be made to the Constitution. I'm no Constitutional lawyer, but in plain English I propose the following...

On this day 6/14/2018, I hereby call upon the 115th United States Congress to ratify the 28th Amendment: No POTUS shall kiss, hug, shake hands, receive a medal from a leader that represents an illiberal state. Furthermore, one that suppresses their populace and engages in racism and bigotry in all forms. To prove the U.S. is a beacon of liberalism, each POTUS is required to ensure America rises above partaking in practices not befitting of a modern advanced nation. We endeavor to lead the world by example, not just on empty rhetoric.

If you ever feel the need to vomit when a POTUS lectures the world on freedom, type the following into a search engine: W Bush kissing Salman. I will never get over the fact that Americans re-elected an illiterate nut-job for orchestrating two fake wars, built on the premise of eradicating terror networks, the same evil that Bush likes to get touchy-feely with. Here's hoping we learn from history and don't repeat the same mistake in 2020, re-electing an illiterate nut-job (with the bonus of racism and sleaze) who calls Kim Jong-un a talented leader.