Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


August 9, 2016

We're all down with TPP

Growing up outside of the U.S. gave me a different perspective, so hearing all the panic over TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) raises more than a few eyebrows. The consensus around the world is that the U.S. will only sign a trade deal that benefits its own interests. It is hilarious seeing Americans losing sleep over the TPP, especially from a nation known for meddling into others affairs. How quick we forget Reagan's disastrous 'instill fake democracy' policies in Central (Nicaragua, you're not forgotten) and Latin America. The Messrs Presidents that succeeded him have all tried emulating his failed attempts at exporting freedom (the actor will be proud).

Side note: I'm over the use of Messrs (re: oval office inhabitants), looking forward to introducing Mrs to my posts in 2017.

So what if the world wants some concessions over trade, it's called a global economy, one where American companies have benefited the most. Fine, go ahead and scrap trade deals, just don't whine when all the global brands America impinges on the world consciousness are told to go back home (to appease jingoistic concerns). America before World War I was honest, it couldn't care much about the outside world and acted accordingly. Then it stared to gradually get hot and bothered, till it went into full commando mode after World War II and wanted to imprint its legacy (good or bad, economically, socially and politically) on people's with no say in the superpowers vision.

To those harping on going back to the future, I suggest you stop using your android mobile device and driving your Toyota, same can be said for these bargain hunters at the $1 store (your toothbrush purchase is contributing to the evils of globalization). America has long got away with using and abusing foreign nations to advance its greed profile, but when another nation does it, the perils of a border-less world are pronounced. We either consistently reject using each other for capital gain and get back to good old-fashioned living off the land or we do our best to sign trade deals that give access and opportunity to many - not just a superpower obsessed with always sucking the life out of its competitors.

I have started a brain exercise for simpletons. Anytime you bark about being scared of an interconnected world, then simply take a look around your home and sell-off every item that originated in foreign lands, is associated with a multinational American company or heaven forbid, is made in Mexico or China! Doesn't take a genius to figure it out, you will be left with close to nothing. You can either take a cold shower to calm down, or you can pray to whatever idol floats your boat to take you back to an era when everything was truly American - of course, that would mean living among Native tribes (that so-called patriots are the first to deride). 

I got you, didn't I? When you take some time away from being comatose by the white noise around you, it's amazing how you will always choose consumerism brought to you by America. 'Who's down with O.P.P.' was a classic 90's tune, time to alter the lyrics to: 'We're all down with TPP', cause we're gluttons for trade.