Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


May 5, 2016

The despot and his legion of minions

Thus far 11 million humans (if you can call them that) have voted for a misogynist racist bigot, his name deserves no more publicity - sub-humans must remain nameless! Fascinating that 11 million is also the figure of illegal immigrants. 

Here's a thought: for every vote cast in favor of this vile creature, one illegal immigrant gets awarded citizenship. What do you know, this would mean all illegals will be fully integrated into the U.S. (a nation famous for its acceptance of the huddled masses). Apologies to the the army of robots worshiping a propagandist, but if you find this unfathomable you can always flee across the northern or southern border - barring any 'walls' of course.

We are all aware of the xenophobia that has been slowly simmering in the Republican kitchen over the past decades (with great assistance from certain "balanced" news organizations). We get it, the 40th President had a love affair with annihilating the poor/underprivileged with eloquent acting, and the 43rd loved nothing more than wasting taxpayers money on disastrous wars - that's socialism for you, GOP style. Then came along a con artist from NY and a deceitful Texan senator hell-bent on authoritarianism and theocracy, respectively. (While we are it, the bumpkins who voted for the medieval senator should also be replaced with compassionate humans, we are in 2016 not biblical times).

Plenty of countries partake in barbarian activities, none are of a forward-looking advanced variety (well, the U.S. and its death penalty connection is a major blight (refer to my post from October 13, 2015). My advice, to the precious million who support a wannabe tin pot dictator - dust off your passports (you know, that thing you use to explore the world) and seek asylum in a nation that will assist in your mission to sponsor hatred. You will be pleasantly surprised that many nations you want to carpet bomb, share a similar vision of playing-off citizens with false rhetoric. 

To the masses going nuts in the mass media, please take a moment for self-congratulatory - you created a monster by giving this barbarian air time. As for social media, I never knew so many could be brainwashed in this day and age, you think we were living in an era where we relied on old wives tales. Whoever voted, or is considering voting for this poor excuse of a human, please be sure to keep obeying your Mussolini doppelganger behind closed doors, we don't need your disease-spreading among a modern open-minded society.