Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


December 21, 2015

Gracias España (and readers)

I have always had an affinity with Spain, largely in part for being the first country I visited overseas and for the architecture of Gaudí. Only fitting to be residing in a city that has Spanish as a second language. I have officially perfected Spanish announcements on public transit - I digress...

A big thumbs up to the Kingdom of Spain. The election results from December 20 prove that they are not willing to be dictated by the status quo. First time since the Civil War, it has broken the shackles of being dominated by the two-party system of PP (Conservatives) and PSOE (Socialists). Coalition talks over the new year will be entertaining to say the least. 

Before the election, both Citizens and Podemos were dubbed as protest parties, and not taken seriously due to being led by Albert Rivera (36) and Pablo Inglesias (37) respectively. They now hold the balance of power and will be part of key talks with King Felipe on forming the next government. How things have changed, Spain now joins a number of countries (such as Canada, Estonia, Greece, Italy) in electing leaders born in the 1970's. The trend towards youth continues, the voting public no longer care about career politicians who are there 'to be someone, rather than do something'. It's all about taking a punt on youth and hoping they cut ties with cronyism. 

The $64,000 Question about Catalan independence will always haunt whoever leads in the near future, but at least this shake-up might finally bring a more representative federal government. One that does a better job of balancing the challenges of 17 autonomous regions with its many dialects. 

All being said, Spain will never take life seriously - how can the home of Salvador Dali ever be rigid. We hear a lot about their economic woes (not withstanding their excellent banking system and famous fiesta's), however I should point out that in Spain life expectancy for both female and male ranks in the top 5 worldwide. Compare that to the GDP heavyweight of the U.S. (barely makes the top 40), and you realize that life is not all about the bottom line. 

PS. I appreciate all the international interest Global Editorial has received from far and wide. Special thanks to readers in: Armenia, Australia, Canada, China, Estonia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine, UK & the U.S. Looking forward to continuing our global discourse in 2016. One more item on the agenda: Central African Republic and Haiti you are not forgotten, I intend to lose sleep over your elections on December 27.

December 8, 2015

Voice of Reason

I must commend Sigmar Gabriel (Vice Chancellor of Germany) for echoing my sentiments, regarding the pesky House of Saud. Finally, a world leader with the backbone to oust the West for sitting idly by, while the Wahhabi Kingdom grows its extremist tentacles. Predictably, he has been told to retract his statements, cause offending the principal proponent of extremism would lead to loss of income. 

So it's back to berating immigrants, as a way of ignoring the real threat - typical 'Wag the dog' syndrome. Akin to the NRA (America's very own death cult - blaming gun crime victims since 1871) for making politicians 'froth at the mouth', in order to make purchasing killing machines easier. Why halt the actual sponsors of domestic/international carnage, when you can pick on a scapegoat to get the masses all riled up.

December 1, 2015

American voters are being duped

Political rhetoric (like music) knows no borders. Listening to Republican Presidential aspirants, is like being at an AKP political convention in Ankara. Both parties are out of touch with reality, yet conjure up enough fear to make inroads into the hearts and minds of the (great) unwashed. On current levels, not one contender could even run for the secularist Turkish Opposition (CHP), as they would be deemed too xenophobic (or a redneck for American readers). 

As for the Democrats, they can hang their heads in shame, they would be hard pressed to gain entry into the right-wing parties of Ireland, New Zealand and the UK (so 'conservative' that they legalized gay marriage). What happened to upholding real humanistic ideals, not enough just to lecture the world that the U.S. is a beacon of enlightenment, when not replicating those values at home. 

It's high-time the two-party dictatorship is dismembered, no more politics that is 'lower than a snakes belly'. The following are one word descriptions of each candidate (life is too short to type more words about these robotic creatures)Bush (bewildered), Carson (irrational), Chrisite (enraged), Clinton (shady), Cruz (creepy), Fiorina (bitter), Huckabee (crass), Kasich (static), O'Malley (vague), Paul (aloof), Rubio (deceitful), Sanders (Scandinavian), Trump (Neanderthal).

If this is the best field of applicants a country (of some one-third of a billion) can conjure up, then it's time to wave a white flag and surrender to mediocrity. Maybe one day we will be shocked by the grace and benevolence of a prospective President - you just never know your luck in a big country! Meanwhile, every time you hear/read jingoistic drivel coming from partisan mouthpieces, I suggest you make a donation to your local charity. (Double the amount, when you come across prejudiced comments masquerading as facts). Otherwise, please exercise caution when encountering false political prophet's claiming to be for the people, when actually they are boosting their inflated ego's with falsehoods.