It's not even April Fools Day, and many Americans are losing their minds over being humane towards refugees. Fear not hard-liners, much of the Islamic world embraces your conservative doctrine, whether it be: advocating capital punishment, meddling with woman's personal choices, mixing religion into politics, and opposition to evolution, minority rights and universal healthcare. 'There is always a silver lining', and in this case, those you hate most could be an asset in upholding your views. As for the empathetic out there, I urge you to accept all comers. Not all of us are fortunate to have been born in a liberal society, we must learn to accept those still struggling with modernity, and help them enter a new era.
The bottom line is: Native Americans are the only ones who have true claims to the American continent, the rest are invaders from far and wide. Australia knows this only too well, the Aboriginal population can be traced back 40,000 years, yet those shouting the loudest about 'bashing' immigrants are foreigners themselves - confusing, isn't it? As Australians of Anglo-Saxon heritage are aware, many of their ancestors can be traced to British convicts. Which brings me to an interesting tidbit: former Australian Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) is a descendant of a criminal. His fifth great-grandmother was pardoned from a death sentence, and instead transported to Australia (in 1789) to serve out a prison sentence. Next time your blood boils over fellow humans from Earth wanting a better life, remind yourself about the 'White' Christian criminals of 200 years ago. Also, do not forget the modern-day success stories, like Afghani-Canadian Maryam Monsef. Fled with her family to Canada in 1996 (via Pakistan, Iran and Jordan), recently elected to Federal Parliament, and promoted as Canada's Minister of Democratic Institutions (all at the ripe old age of 30).
Even if you choose to ignore the compassionate argument, you still realize that there is an abundance of deceit. Time to put the same amount of energy into resettling refugees as we do backroom deals with Godfather of radical Islam (refer to my previous post from November 15: 'World is a vampire'). Alternatively, we can pressure the Godfather to take in more refugees, however that would mean getting them cranky. We would not want that, after all, Francois Hollande was all smiles in Riyadh on May 4, 2015 (with a certain tyrannical king). It appears many in Western democracies love their anti refugee slogans, but fall deftly silent in denouncing the root cause of this crisis. As defined by the diplomacy dictionary: pamper your enemies enough, so they create homicidal maniacs.
PS. In not-so breaking news: for the best part of 30 years, the U.S. has maintained top spot in arms exports to the Middle East (Saudi Arabia being the main beneficiary). In 2014 the U.S. sent a total of $8.4 Billion their way, next up are: UK ($1.9 B), Russia ($1.5 B), France ($1.3 B), and Germany ($1 B). I guess the subhuman zealotry of Wahhabism, has friends in all the right places...
PS. In not-so breaking news: for the best part of 30 years, the U.S. has maintained top spot in arms exports to the Middle East (Saudi Arabia being the main beneficiary). In 2014 the U.S. sent a total of $8.4 Billion their way, next up are: UK ($1.9 B), Russia ($1.5 B), France ($1.3 B), and Germany ($1 B). I guess the subhuman zealotry of Wahhabism, has friends in all the right places...