Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


September 29, 2015

World united in hypocrisy

Only fitting that at a time when the heads of state meet in NY, we get a not-to-pleasant reminder of the world going nowhere fast. First of all, Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe's infamous President known for his genocidal rule and mismanagement of finance - home to the 100 trillion-dollar note) was allowed to speak, that in itself is farcical. His speech blasted those who are not heterosexual, forgetting the fact that a little thing called inflation is ruining your country (Zimbabwe is home to the 100 trillion-dollar note). He really does have an inferiority complex when it comes to minorities - sounds like he wants to join the Tea Party.

The Middle East gets its fair share of publicly due to civil conflicts but we keep forgetting about the Central African Republic (CAR), that country where Christian militias are targeting Muslims. Mugabe speaking is one thing, but to have Catherine Panza wasting money on a UN junket while her country lies in ruins is illogical. (To her credit, she flew back after hearing about another horrific religious crime). World powers should have done more, especially after the systematic slaughter of Muslims by extremist Christians 18 months ago. (Refer to the gruesome events of hearts being harvested and human heads being used as footballs).

Just when you thought the blatant hypocrisy was out of control, enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - the new chair of the UN Human Rights Council. You know the world has ended, when the nation that is a gold medalist in terror and human rights abuses (even leads ISIS in decapitation) is bestowed this honor. Maybe that's why David Cameron ordered British flags to be flown half mast over Parliament after the passing of King Abdullah. Republican Presidential candidates have also fallen for their charm, inflaming hatred of Muslims domestically all the while simultaneously backing the evil empire.

September 17, 2015

Frightened of a puritanical regime

Presidential hopefuls are a funny bunch, they all go gun-ho on the Middle East with their simple words. One detail is always left out of their rhetoric: Saudi Arabia. I guess that comes from a bizarre respect of stone-age regimes. Here's some advice for a would be candidate: how about you go out on a limb, propose how the US will assist the 2 million Syrian Christians stranded from civil war. Time has come to go after the perpetrator of that displacement: the House of Saud. Worst kept secret in geopolitics is knowing the architects behind ISIS, sadly, no one acts due to that evil-doers friendship with Israel. 

The Russian Orthodox Church has convinced Putin to help Syrian Christians, but it seems Christian lobby groups in the US have forgotten Jesus' message about helping the destitute. I guess it's time to watch that never-ending horror movie called: 'No one dare touch the Saudis'. (You know, those 'good folk' who orchestrated attacks on US soil). Truth is, we need to either admit that Russia is on the right side of history, or lead by showing the world there is a Christian safe haven in the US of A.

September 4, 2015

The eradication of compassion

There once was a country that was built by convicts (imported from Great Britain) - I'm referring of course to Australia. In modern history, Australia has received immigration from some 200 countries (many of them refugees who fled war-torn nations). With a straight face, its non-native elected officials (one look at their ancestry and you see a long list of Anglo Saxons from Britain) are claiming that illegal refugees are overrunning the country. Some even have convict stock, amusingly they deride refugees fleeing persecution. Australia might be boasting about the amount of illegals drowning on its doorstep (due to its archaic laws), but it should be a warning to us all: remember how your country was built. Imagine Canada turning away from its shores, the mass exodus from the Irish famine in 1847.

The United States has been a beacon in accepting all, but now faces a crossroad - its inner Australia is coming out with the illogical fear mongering of illegals. The native Americans aren't the ones calling for blood, it seems people of European stock are losing their minds over people from elsewhere. I'm calling on all the countries that gave us the long list of presidential candidates to take the ones back that have cold hearts. Those that add religion into campaigning should be all for illegals - we all know what Jesus would do. You either have compassion or you don't, the blatant racist comments about wanting the 'right kind' of immigration can stay in the library of rose tinted-glasses.

All you can do is yawn when hearing that most gruesome acts are committed by those from opposite cultures to us (just who are the famous 'us', those that created Messrs Breivik, Bryant, Koresh - I hope not).  They have these weird customs and cultures not akin to us, last I checked parents fear 'creepy white men' (on sex offender lists) more than those escaping hardship - I could be wrong! I can just envision an extreme candidate rise-up and declare all non-native Americans to leave the Union, I wonder how much air-time they will receive?

History is full of examples of nations taking in persecuted people. Just as undesirables today are often advertised as 'dark people of a certain faith', the past unwanted were fair-skinned Christians of the German, Swedish variety. What's interesting is that bigotry is now coming from children of migrants. The grand child of an Italian who fled World War II, is now wanting to send back downtrodden refugees. It seems well-to-do folk are obsessed about everyone going back to where they came from. Get ready Minnesota, you're about to lose plane loads to Scandinavia! We need to cut the simple scare tactics, no one chooses their country of birth, however we can choose to have kindness and decency towards our fellow human being.

Another well-worn argument is: why don't wealthy nations such as those in the Gulf play their part? While we would hope they would make more of an effort in a humanitarian crisis, we can't use that as an excuse to ignore our so-called Western mentality of our compassionate commitment to protect the less fortunate. Although playing hardball during trade negotiations can be a start, maybe it wouldn't hurt mentioning that human rights needs to be respected before buying their oil.

I get that people seek comfort in those who preach to the converted, hopefully independent minds will win out. It is wrong to hate someone on the basis of where life's lottery has taken them - whether it be in the country of their birth or the circumstances dealt to them. Do we have enough guts to rise above ignorance?

September 1, 2015

Society's overindulgence in exploiting tragedy

The media has always had an obsession with horrific news, like some badge of honor: 'Look at me, I was the first to break-news about a school massacre'. After all these years, we still haven't realized that sensationalism feeds acts of crime. Imagine a day when the media actually gives us solutions to prevent a tragedy, rather than that famous line: 'we were first on the scene'. To add injury to insult, they wheel out their experts to provide us with in-depth analysis. This turns into a competition of who gets the most air time, which in turn leads to a lucrative media career for the analyst.

Sadly, now everyone is joining in on the act. Advertising your 'tragedy credentials' on social media has become an ugly past-time. I kid you not, there is an army of human vultures waiting for evil to play its part. As soon as tragedy strikes, they pounce and dissect every angle, till they get their end result: glorifying the evil-doer and discarding the victim. It gets worse, we then scramble to see the latest cruel acts online, all the while stroking the ego of the perpetrator. They will watch the viewing total go up and feel vindicated for their actions.

The media will always be the first to high-five itself at the sight of a car crash, however there's no need for the rest of society to join in. I get that sharing abhorrent crimes with friends is considered a healthy brain exercise (note to aliens: we humans are advanced), but you are knowingly participating in what the media does best - being accomplices in the notoriety of criminals. The victims don't deserve to be treated like a commodity, in our ever-growing appetite to make ourselves feel warm and fuzzy.