Op-ed (in tweet form)

Op-ed (in tweet form): American snowflakes are losing it over #OpeningCeremony #Paris2024 Advice: lower firearm slaughter among #USA citizens, did you forget all the church/school massacres? Also, enshrine medicare for all in the constitution. Once done, you can whine about French artistic expression.


July 21, 2024

Perspective, people!

After a 3/4 of a year blogging hiatus, blame raising a humanoid, yes, men do all child-rearing (least we can do, as, yet we're not able to carry a fetus, okay, anti-woke crowd, calm down and breathe with a pic of your "messiah" accepting a medal from a nation that believes in your death penalty/transphobic ideals), it's time to tell-it-how-it-is!

Let's all dial back the American obsession, here's my final word on events that sadly took away from just how disgusting false prophets that peddle mistruths and enjoy the dark arts of race games. Even Ivy League educated  pro gun thrice-married xenophobic adulterer (of the felon variety) should be safe from bullets. After this incident the aforementioned creature became a proponent of repealing the 2nd Amendment. Hang on a sec, let me look out my window, pigs have started to fly after the last line. Even pigs know that when one espouses love for guns and openly promotes getting support even if he were to be shot in the middle Manhattan, you get my drift... The "messiah" got what he wanted, plenty of sympathy from an act he craved.

Now onto more pressing concerns. I see the boycott of Paris 2024 has gone nowhere fast. Hey English-speaking world, do you realise what just happened in France? Refresher course: the outwardly racist far-right National Rally now occupy 142 seats (24.6%) of the French Assembly. I see 'Planet America' is a program featuring on Australia's taxpayer funded public broadcaster, but there is no show titled: Planet France. I use Australia as an example, no country comes close to its American addiction. Go to any clothing store like H&M, Cotton On and there are shirts, jumpers plastered with American city and state names, heck, even those tacky letterman jackets. Add all the American content that donates it terrestrial TV, social media and is it wonder that more Australians know the names of US Vice Presidents than Prime Ministers of their own country.

Let's ignore the US for a little while and pay more attention to what's happening globally, then maybe we can start to realise that it's not all about one country. On 6 September 2018, the then President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro lost 40% of his blood in a failed assassination attempt (he to was a loony tune that had a God complex), yet the Western World was not all that interested. Dam, if only Brazilian content infiltrated screens in the First World. Next time someone gets hot and bothered over all things US of A, calm them down with other examples. It's not sexy, but the Bolsonaro assassination attempt was way more murdery than what happened to, you know, that tangerine felon.

There is one positive that may come from the XXXIII Olympic Games, we can use it as an excuse to learn about other nations, instead of jingoistic exercise in blind racism. Find more about the world you live in, and I don't mean just a Google search. (I get it, your lives depend on this American search engine, not to mention all the other great American creations that add to your life expectancy, namely Facebook that owns Instagram, WhatsApp. Wherever you turn America has your digital footprint for safekeeping, sleep well). You never know, one day there will be an article about the Sudanese obsession. Oh dear, pigs started to fly again!

October 20, 2023

In Polska, we trust!

Back in the Southern Hemisphere, where Americans couldn't locate without the use of a search engine on a made in Asia plastic device. Melbourne (the one in the state of Victoria, 🇦🇺, not Florida) will be the HQ for GE for the foreseeable future. Or as the livability crowd to refer to as: the world's third most livable city. No American city cracked the top 60, you can blame firearms and healthcare not being a right for this woeful outcome.

The world is going  nowhere fast, which is basically what it does on a yearly basis. Earthlings have short memories, so we get hot and bothered over events we can't control, rinse and repeat until such time we see ducks cross the toad and get all war and fuzzy about life.

Talking about repeating, I'm not going to rehash 1939 values in this part of the world. A little thing called a referendum (that not one soul in the US would lose sleep over) sadly backed this vlog from 2020.https://globaleditorial.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-great-racist-land.html

181-second rant (for those that can allocate such time, just remember how many daily bathroom breaks you take) from magnificent Williamstown, Melbourne

My daughter and I get to walk along Gem Pier every day and ponder the end of times, she has picked the right time to be alive!

August 31, 2023

A trip down blog lane

What better to mark eight years than by taking a trip down blog lane. In other words, it has been an eternity in a Presidential context. Global Editorial (GE) begun under the Obama (aka the earthling that loved drone strikes on civilians) administration, survived Donnie the snake oil salesman (somehow convinced evangelicals to buy into everything Jesus would be against, adultery and hatred of immigrants) dictatorship and is now still going under 'Sleepy' Joe (a man that once promoted incarceration and has no interest in healthcare as a right). 

Here's a list of one Op-ed from each year that encapsulates the GE DNA. Blame the company that stalks our every move (Alphabet Inc.) for monitoring articles that garnered the most fan engagement.










It has been an off on a tangent ride for the ages. Who knew GE would originate in Dallas, TX and end up in Chicago, IL. Along with European detours in Budapest, Bratislava, Helsinki, Tallinn, and Oceania stops in Melbourne, Sydney.

The next incarnation of GE will be south of the equator, be prepared for commentary from a snowless city. I will miss the frozen winters on Lake Michigan, not so much the homicides - too soon!

July 31, 2023

All is good in America's slaughterhouse

This is what we refer to in the business as a catch-up on lost time vlog. Get ready for a vlog of mass proportions, two parts of pure unadulterated ranting - unscripted off-the-cuff madness! (Please take note, overrated media personalities relying on a team of writers earning 8-figure salaries). 

If you fast-forward, you will be dismembered and thrown into Lake Michigan by Billy Bob Thornton. All kidding aside, just getting revved up for the upcoming season of Fargo. Talking about the short attention span of society, I'll include estimates for the time each rant goes off the rails. 

All rants require a controversial intro!

Part I (4:02)

21st century cavemen (0:20); crime central (1:50); "those people" (3:10)

Part II (4:55)

Shout-out, you know who you are! (0:30); modern-day segregation (0:55); raising one great earthling (2:30); geopolitical tidbit (3:50)

PS. Don't be fooled by the summertime, Chicago is at its finest during winter. Flashback: Jan 28, 2023. (Tabitha, the wonderkid mastered snow walking as a one-year-old).

Footnote: Classic GE timing, shortly after releasing the twelve best stand-alone TV episodes (https://globaleditorial.blogspot.com/2023/06/greg-egg.html), comes along a piece of drama (filmed right here in the Windy City) that might just wiggle its way to the top of the table. I give you 'Forks' - Season 2, Episode 7. The Bear (2022-).

June 6, 2023

Greg the Egg!

The heading is an inside joke for all my 'Succession' obsessed earthlings recovering from the finale. This is not the first time one of the great (if not greatest) fictional characters has made a cameo on GE.


I think it will take some years to recover from 39 of the most gut-wrenching comedic episodes ever witnessed, might well end up as the epitome of event television. In lieu of this, it's time for a classic GE segue away from the end of the world shenanigans to debate what your eyes deem to be worthy of sitting still glued to a screen. Optometrists rejoice!

Time to introduce a brain exercise that will no doubt end in tears. Name the twelve best stand-alone episodes of drama you've seen in the 21st Century, there's a catch: they must all be from different shows. The greatest ever can be named separately, this is an episode on its own, never to be defeated. To spice things up, gather around with your friends and family, this might well end up in estrangement, but hey, it's worth it!

In my humble opinion, these are the ten best episodes that will forever have a place in the pantheon of the TV zeitgeist. In no particular order, the following can lay claim to being Numero Uno, but only one will never be topped (refer to the episode in bold letters).

'Family Meeting' - Season 7, Episode 13. The Shield (2002-2008)

'The Constant' - Season 4, Episode 5. Lost (2004-2010)

'Signal 30' - Season 5, Episode 5. Mad Men (2007-2015)

'Ozymandias' - Season 5, Episode 14. Breaking Bad (2008-2013)

'The Rains of Castamere' - Season 3, Episode 9. Game of Thrones (2011-2019)

'The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears' - Season 4, Episode 8. The Americans (2013-2018)

'I Live Here Now' - Season 2, Episode 10. The Leftovers (2014-2017)

'Buridan's Ass' - Season 1, Episode 6. Fargo (2014-2023)

'407 Proxy Authentication Required' - Season 4, Episode 7. Mr. Robot (2015-2019)

'Plan and Execution' - Season 6, Episode 7. Better Call Saul (2015-2022)

'Connor's Wedding' - Season 4, Episode 3. Succession (2018-2023)

'Everyone's Waiting' - Season 5, Episode 12. Six Feet Under (2001-2005)

I wouldn't suggest viewing these episodes on their own, unless of course, you're a masochist! Make sure you watch the series from the beginning, and when you come up to the episode in question, please clear out your schedule and tackle what will be an excruciatingly painful mind-bending  (in the best possible way).

Footnote: To my Armenian brethren out there (or to anyone that takes an interest in a people that are without doubt the best gossipers among all nationalities - okay, I can make that joke), two of these shows have highlighted Armenians. The Shield goes where no show has gone, glorifying the Armenian Mafia of LA. It's mentioned throughout its run, Season 3 is when it becomes a central focus. Spoiler alert: 'Playing Tight' - Season 3, Episode 1 features amputations by Armenian mobsters. Then there's, Six Feet Under, not enough superlatives can describe this series, but one of the best parts of it was a shockingly comedic death to start each episode. 'I'm Sorry, I'm Lost' - Season 3, Episode 13 (directed by creator Alan Ball) starts with an Armenian expiring (Anahid Hovanessian), pity it wasn't a Kardashian - too soon!